Brand Yourself On Facebook

A lot of people are now using the social giant Facebook to market their business, it used to my MySpace that was used but that is quickly becoming a thing of the past. The fact that Facebook has over 200 million users now from across the globe makes it a very appealing platform to market on. It is true though that a large percentage of those making us of Facebook for their marketing purposes are doing it wrong and are just blatant spam idiots. You know the sort of thing I mean, every time you log in you either see a news feed from them or there’s an email waiting for you in your inbox urging you to join their ‘fantastic, best thing since sliced bread, make a million bucks in 2 weeks’ business opportunity.

If we know how to do it properly then we can use Facebook as an effective marketing platform. Use Facebook to connect with people, develop good solid relationships, that’s what it’s all about. There is a right time for revealing our business to people and it should happen in the natural path of relationship building.

Lets look briefly at the strategy, here are 6 steps that you can take to effectively market on Facebook,

1) Create your profile focused around you so that people can learn about you and relate to you, pictures work great, make sure you always look happy :). It should all be about YOU and not just a blatant business pitch

2) Start searching for groups relevant to your market and start adding friends. Be intelligent about it and find groups other than the ‘online business’ crowd.

3) Start searching for groups to join in your niche market. Most group owners will allow you to post on the wall so you could post some useful information to the wall. Often I will let groups know about new content that I have written or post videos, people get useful information from it and it encourages them to subscribe to my list and eventually some then go on to join my business.

4) Think about starting your own FB group that is of relevance to your target audience. By regularly sending out invitations you can grow your group. It is very similar to building a list.

5) Try putting your content on your friends walls and also to your own. By doing this your material can be seen by way more folks. Again remember not to abuse this by spamming with your business opportunity, the end result of that will be that your ‘friend’ will delete you most likely.

6) Create a personal video greeting to your new Facebook friends and tag them to the video. This is a VERY powerful Facebook marketing strategy and not many people are doing it.

When you know how to do it right FaceBook is a very effective marketing tool.

To become an effective Facebook marketer and get 20+ free leads a day you will need to learn the Facebook marketing strategies. You can learn the secrets today of marketing on facebook by watching this pre recorded webinar which will walk you through the whole strategy. Click the link for access or visit my MLM marketing secrets blog.

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