Get Your Facebook App to go Viral

We all know how much online marketers, and some of the world’s largest corporation, love Facebook for the marketing potential; many just view it as a planet sized water cooler. Businesses have to stop and think about things in a new way beyond the traditional form of advertising which is also there, by the way. There are different marketing concepts involved with apps than the fan pages that are so popular now. Having your own app allows you to build your brand and push the word out about your company/product through it. There are very many possibilities with apps, and we will show you how you can make the most of them. There are new products being launched all the time for example Deadbeat Millionaire that will benefit from Facebook.

Be Different: Because there are thousands of applications on Facebook and they are continuously increasing, there are many duplicates. You’ll find many me-too apps trying to grab the attention of the end user, and trying to build their own presence; but do you think this is possible if your app isn’t offering anything unique? Creating mostly useless apps just increases the junk available on Facebook. Your aim is to get the most out of the Facebook platform by offering some really intense apps that are different from the rest. You can do this by adding your own creative twists to existing ideas to make them more enticing. Your format and approach should be different so you can attract users to your app. You don’t need to create something completely original, but you can create something unique by adapting existing ideas.

One major goal of your app is to encourage people to share it with their network of friends. You never want to do anything in your app that will prevent it from being shared with friends. We have seen apps that constitute a forced share, and that is really not a cool thing to do because people do not want to feel like they are getting forced. Imagine, though, that a truly fun and engaging app will naturally compel people to share it. This is not hard to do – creating a high quality app that really satisfies people so much they are happy to tell their network about it. There are new products being launched constantly for example Wealthy Affiliate which will take advantage of Facebook.

Leverage Your Own Network: If you’re on Facebook, why not leverage your network of friends and family? You don’t want to spam your friends but do send them tactful messages about your app. It’s definitely something nice/cool/good that you’re making an app on Facebook, so some of your friends may just start using it, which will attract their network. Besides that, don’t be hesitant when asking them to use the ‘share’ feature to let their friends know about your app. It’s easy to spot someone in your list that’s socially active, so put more focus on them so that you can indirectly leverage their network too.

Because every feature you add to your app helps it stand out, you can’t afford to ignore even the smallest detail.

If you want to use Facebook to its best effect be sure you promote services for example Linkvana.

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