Traffic To My Website
To succeed in getting traffic to my website, you need an online campaign; you need to know what products are available and how they work for your business or industry. Your job is to find which one or what combination of these products, will work for your web site. Let me show you some ways that work and the search engines love.
First, what is web traffic? It is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site. There are many ways to monitor traffic and the gathered-data used to help structure sites; this is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. The way to monitor this is ‘Google Anaylitics,” it’s free and gives you all the data you need to analyze your site’s good and bad points. Web analytics is simply: the measurement of the behavior of visitors to a website. There are three things to keep in mind when analyzing.
1. Testing for next week. Always test and analyze every week to keep content fresh.
2. What is the conversion rate?
3. What pages are losing the most customers?
These are the main areas you need to focus on. Not in any order of preference.
Blogging is a great way to keep fresh content on your site. With daily articles written your blog will always look fresh and people will begin to participate in discussions about your niche.
Social Media Marketing. A great way to get your name out in the world. And with some interaction on these sites and by adding a link back to your website your traffic is bound to increase. So get yourself an account at facebook, twitter, and linkedin just to name a few.
Video Production. Another free marketing method I use to drive traffic to my website. Just like article marketing, but with moving visuals and audio. Google, as well as regular people, absolutely love video. Make a short video about a business-related topic, targeting some funky keywords or keyword phrases. Include these in the title of your video, description and tags. Make sure to include a link back to your website in the description of your video. Most PC’s and Macs come with a video production application. When you are satisfied with your video you can upload it to, for example, YouTube.
In conclusion to driving traffic to my website. Use these methods test the ones that work for you and have fun.
Looking to find the best deal on Website traffic, then visit to find the best advice on gettingTraffic to my site for you.
Tags: blogging, Internet marketing, online marketing, SEO, Social media, Video Marketing