How To Make Money Online – Overcoming Barriers
Over the last few days I’ve been asked the same question and to be honest I knew people would ask me it. That question is; where do you start when figuring out how to make money online?
The best answer I can come up with is; do something! Choose one thing to work on and keep at it until you have made it a success and then you can move onto something else. You could if you wish; outsource what you’ve just mastered so you can put all your energy into what you’re working on now. So for example you might start on article marketing, and then you master it, outsource it and then maybe move onto video marketing.
Other than getting an opt in page up and running this would be my first step in how to make money online. You might think; ok, that sounds easy and really it is but will you do it? What I find a lot is people just don’t make themselves take the first step in starting a business online so how can they possibly succeed? There are lots of reasons for people not taking the plunge; fear, doubt and lack of knowledge have been some of the terrible excuses I’ve heard. I say terrible excuses because what I really hear from these excuses is; “I’m sabotaging my chances of making money online just because I’m afraid to try”. The online business is easy; there is no excuse for anyone not making it work for them! Another thing I commonly see is people instead of focusing on one thing try to take on about ten different things and end up getting none right. If you’re like this at least you have the enthusiasm and are not afraid to make it happen, but you need to focus.
So, let me look at some of the common barriers:
1. Fear; what’s so scary? Being made a fool of? Online people aren’t watching your every move! Really I wish they were but to get noticed you need to stand out and get in front of people’s faces. If you slip up online the whole world isn’t going to know! Then you got ridicule from friends; if they’re true friends they’ll support you and anyway it’s just friendly banter; they’ll have moved onto someone else in a day or two.
2. Doubt in ability, this one makes me laugh, because you learn best by doing and online I think this is especially the case. So take on the Nike mantra and “just do it”.
3. Lack of knowledge, well there’s an easy fix for that and that’s to learn more and as I said in the last point learn by doing so get going!
So I hope I’ve help you overcome your stumbling block if you are stuck on one and wondering how to make money online! Just go and do something. And remember I’m here to help.
For a great video on another keep point to starting out online, finding your niche by Neil Russell; The Net Cash King go to: Find Niche
Tags: article marketing, Best keywords, Clickbank money, Find niche, Free Website traffic, how to make money online, Newsletter tips, online business, Opt list, sales page, site promotion, Social media, Video Marketing