Get As Much As Possible From Advertising on Facebook
Do you know what makes Facebook so great, aside from the fact that it has half a billion accounts, is getting more every day and is the fastest expanding social networks on the internet? Around half of the people with Facebook accounts log in each day. So leveraging Facebook’s advertising platform is the way to go today. This article will show you how you can get the most from Facebook’s advertising and get a real return on your investment.
External factors can also affect how well a Facebook ad performs, such as where the traffic is being sent. Even though Facebook ads work great in driving traffic to any page, the conversions definitely depend on what this page is. The most effective way to capitalize on Facebook advertising is by sending people to a fan page you created, instead of sending them to a site. Why? Does Facebook not work for a site? Facebook might be effective at driving traffic straight to a website, the problem is with conversions, so if you want to grow your business quickly then you need to maximize these conversion rates. Since people know fan pages on Facebook quite well, it is easier for them to make a connection when the reach one. Additionally, your conversion rates will be higher because joining a fan page simply requires a click of a button. You can easily communicate and connect with your fans through Facebook.
Offer free gifts related to your niche on your landing page to convert the traffic that you generate from Facebook ads. Nowadays, you find most of the online marketers taking advantage of this technique to develop their own email list. In addition to helping you provide value to your new subscribers, it shows of how much you know about your topic. This will help you far more than simply letting traffic land on a “regular” sales page–your conversion level will help you a lot. When you have your prospect’s contact information it is a lot easier to keep following up and to offer more value–all of which will raise your sales levels. It is imperative, however, that you find a way to give real value to the competitors in your niche so that you can stand out from all of the people who are doing the same thing that you are doing; don’t let yourself settle for giving away something half-witted.
The key to being successful is taking baby steps so don’t try to do things on too large a scale at the beginning. It can get exciting to see a campaign give returns but you have to go slow before you ramp up your campaign. This is because not all campaigns work the same due to different products and different markets.
Facebook ads need more work than just a few lines of writing and a couple of clicks for placement. It takes hard work, practical and wise decisions and lots of perseverance. Ask any Facebook advertiser and he will tell you the same thing – be consistent, and you’ll see results.
There are multiple ways to generate your own contact list of people with interests in advertising, and with little effort too. Just use your head instead of your money. Now click this blog post about Bankruptcy Leads and you’ll see what I mean.
Tags: blogs, facebook, Facebook Marketing, internet, marketing, Reference, sales, search engine marketing, SEO, Social media, writing