Creating Articles with SEO in Mind

Good article marketing involves getting highest return on the amount of effort that you put in to creating the best articles. Now, anyone who has simple writing skills can produce an article that is readable. This is because this is not that difficult to accomplish when you are writing articles on the internet. However, writing an article that is ranked per the search engines for specific keywords is a different item altogether. You have to remember a lot of things in order to make sure that your article obtains the proper kind of attention from the search engines. There isn’t any cause for you to forget about SEO when crafting your articles.

Don’t Keyword Stuff Your Articles: One of the golden rules of writing SEO articles is to weave in keywords in the articles in the most natural manner. You should aim at having a keyword density of not more than 5% when you write your articles, anything more than that can put you in the danger zone. Search engines don’t like articles that have keywords stuffed because they not only look spammy, but also aren’t that reader friendly. You should try and keep your articles sensible and include keywords only when you feel it’s necessary. Besides that, when you submit your article to article directories, it will get rejected if the keyword density is too high.

Have a Natural Flow in Your Resource Box: when you’re writing your article’s resource box and including your main keyword phrase, make sure you have a natural flow. It shouldn’t look like you’ve deliberately tried to put in the keyword in the resource box. Your readers should be able to feel the connection between the resource box and the article. This basically means that it needs to be in place in every way. Remember that your article’s resource box is a very important element. This is because that’s where you’ll be convincing your readers to take action and visit your Jeff Johnson Non Stop Traffic Formula site or blog.

Weave Your Keyword into the Title in an Effective Manner: This is because using too many keywords in the title will overwhelm the search engines and they will not know your main keyword phrase. You should use no more than two keywords in your title. When you are writing your title keep the keyword phrase at the top of your thoughts. You should make it short and sweet. Do not make it too long. Because if you do, it will not show up in the search engines.

In conclusion, this article shows how importance it is to use the search engines to get the most value out of your articles and get them exposed to your readers. It will take some time if you are new to using SEO. But, in the long run, you will see that the organic traffic you receive from the search engines is very good. This is because you do not pay for it or work too hard to get it. So go on and start writing SEO concentrated articles.

This unique guide is actually contributed by simply Non Stop Traffic Formula webpage for more info visit our own Jeff Johnson blog.

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