Archive for the ‘Video Marketing’ Category

Don’t Be A Dinosaur – Get Involved at YouTube for Greater Business Exposure

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Those who have not had the results they hoped for at YouTube probably made very basic marketing and optimization mistakes that are pretty easy to avoid. In that vein, we will cover just a few basic strategies and methods you can use at YouTube to hopefully give you much better results.

Just like with written content, the title you eventually assign to your video plays a huge role with “stopping eyeballs.” When you create a compelling title, then that obviously serves to help your video stand-out from the rest.

So remember that you need to take as many chances as you can get to build your channel up and get noticed. If you ever see something just beginning to trend in the news, and it is relevant to your niche, then jump on it and get your video together. The YouTube world is highly competitive and it won’t take too long before you have people cashing in on the current trends. We all like to hear about interesting and maybe even compelling news, and your target audience is no different. This is how you can get noticed in your market; bringing timely information to them in a great video. Do not forget that you need to engage your audience, and people love talking about timely events and news.

Be extremely careful about long videos because they warp peoples’ minds, or, people hate them. If all your videos are long, and especially not too compelling, then you will have some difficulties. If you are ever in doubt, ask other people to view your videos and let you know if they are too long or whatever. On the other hand, one thing you can do is let it ride and see what the community feedback is like – it can be pretty brutal. Once you’ve got a dedicated subscriber base, you can experiment with longer videos once in a while to give your viewers more value.

How you represent your channel on YouTube is really important, and one of the elements that will help you do that is ensuring that you complete your profile as this page will be representing your channel. The profile is like an About Me page, and it does matter to people when they are thinking of subscribing to your channel. Personalizing is an essential element that you need to focus on at all times and try to give your viewers the best possible experience, while you build a relationship with them through your videos. Doing well at YouTube requires you to take the necessary action, and it is pretty much that simple to do.

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The Different Ways Of Music Promotion

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Just as it's easier to write a book than to sell it, it's the same with music. You compose a beautiful song, or melody, which you are sure will become popular the world over, but when you try to find someone willing to promote it, you can't. In the end, you will find that nothing is easy, that music promotion takes a lot of time and effort.

Any occupation, however, must lead to an income. After all, man cannot live by bread alone. So the product of the composer's labor, be it a symphony, a piano duet, or a popular song, must be marketed to people who are willing to pay to play or hear it. This is not an easy task for the unknown composer, especially when there is plenty of free music available on the internet.

In the old days promotion was simpler. It was just a question of finding a publisher to publish your song for you. This, of course, involved a great deal of time and trouble, as most publishers are inundated with demonstration material. It might take them months to work through the list before coming to your song.

This is where contacts come in. If you know someone in the business who can put in a good word for you, then this will help getting your foot in the door. If you know no one, have no contacts, then progress is likely to be very, very slow. However, the important thing for any would-be professional composer or songwriter is to keep writing. Most of them will have at least a dozen songs making the rounds of the publishers at any one time.

Some publishers may like your song, but tell you they cannot use it. These are not actual publishers, but rather song- matchers, people who are looking for a certain piece of music or a certain song to fill an enquiry they have from television and movie producers. Others are people who promote song catalogs. Your song will go into the catalog, and hopefully, some producer will select it.

Others, who don't want the delays associated with publishers, put their material up on websites where it can be listened to free of charge by anybody. Their objective in doing this is to get publicity, especially for new bands and singers, and the hope that they will get noticed by producers, publishers, top singers, or record labels. Also, this procedure has speed in its favor.

Those who don't like the idea of making their compositions available for free can put them up for sale on their own websites. In this way they can set their own prices and get paid directly without having to surrender any portion of the price to anybody else. Or alternatively, they can make use of radio stations which are willing to pay a fee every time a song is played.

So it can be seen that currently there are many different ways of music promotion. If a song is good, catchy, fits the trend of the moment, then it might turn into a top hit. Any top hit will provide large sums of money to the composer, but only for a limited time. What every composer should strive for is the writing of an evergreen, a song or piece of music that never goes out of favor, and brings in a regular income for generations. However, the composer should accept that any success will likely involve a great deal of time and effort.

There are many ways to promote your music online. Using music distribution companies can help get your music on iTunes or many other music broadcasters.

Promotional Video Production for Beginners

Monday, January 30th, 2012

If we’re feeling confused or insecure about something, we should always take a look at the statistics in order to find out the next logical step. If you’re a marketer and you’re looking for the best way through which you can rank on Google, have you ever considered using a promotional video production?

What the statistics show us is very interesting: more than 50 percent of searches that were performed on Google a couple of years ago were looking for a video. That should be enough for you to seriously consider implementing a sales video in your webpage and capitalizing on its huge potential.

If you still want numbers and not opinions, it is very well known that the big difference between a site that uses a sales video and another one that uses text is their higher conversion rate. In many cases, the conversion rate for site A that uses a promotional video production and markets the same product as site B, which in turn uses a text sales copy, is 7 times higher.

But, even if you decide using a promotional video, what do you put in it? While it’s rather obvious, to make a video you will need graphics, sound and, the most important thing of them all, content.

It’s advisable that you use a human voice to do the narration, once your written sales copy is finished. A human voice will trigger emotions from the visitor and this can lead to a purchase, especially if you pushed on the right buttons. Make your promotional video as short as possible. It’s recommended that it should have at least 2-3 minutes and never exceed the 4 minute mark. The first thing someone checks is how long the video is, remember that. And the sight of a long video might lead to indifference his or her part.

After you finished writing your sales copy (which you should have about 300 words for a 3 minute video) together with the call-to-action, make sure it is proof-read. Record your voice over it and you’re pretty much done. A message that is simple and well expressed will make the visitor relate to it so remember to be as straightforward as possible.

Remember that your promotional video production is not meant to necessarily explain everything about your business. Whether on your website or on YouTube, you need to leave out enough information to lure your audience to come inquire about more. Being vague is alright, make sure that you don’t reveal too much at once, nor should you try to.

Need the services of an online video marketing firm for your corporate video production? Check out for more tip and tricks.

How small business should go about marketing

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

For a small business to really take off can be a very difficult task. In most cases there are endless obstacles to overcome along with a number of competitors as well. Possibly the biggest challenge for a new or small business is to get people to even know that they are in business so that people consider using them for whatever it is they do. To make people aware of their existence small businesses have to use marketing and there are a number of different methods which they can use.

Small business owners need to first work out exactly where and who their target market is so that they can target them with their marketing. There is absolutely no point in a small company which fits carpets in a small town to spend their entire budget on a national advert. This is only likely to reach a small percentage of the target market and the other people it reaches will be out of their area anyway. Local media in this case is much better, newsletters and newspapers and social media for example.

It is a very good idea for a small business to get advice on marketing or even hire someone to do their marketing to ensure that the money they have is used wisely. Good marketing companies know what will work best for different companies with different situations. Even if a business has a small budget the marketing company will spend it on areas which will produce results whilst if the business owner tries to do the marketing themselves they are very likely to waste their money.

Small business owners should also be aware that marketing isn’t a case of doing it once and then stopping. Marketing is an on-going process which must be kept up for results to really start to show. If marketing is done for a short period then its effects will only start to show by the time it is stopping. Continuous marketing offers a continuous stream of custom which usually outweighs the cost of the marketing significantly.

Before going ahead with marketing a small company should be absolutely certain of what they are offering and why customers should use them instead of a competitor. They should also know their customer and know about them so that they know what will prompt a response from them.

Got a business video production project? Speak to a video production company Manchester today.

Inspiring Ideas For Mobile Landing Pages in Detail (Part 4 of 4)

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

This is the final part in our 4 part series.

Lets get directly into my final two recommendations for Killer Mobile Landing Pages!

Killer Mobile Landing-page Concept 4

Landing pages to Let People Know Where you Are

If people have to come to your location to do business then you need to help them find you as easily as possible.

Support fliers and poster campaigns with QR Codes that link to GPS enabled maps showing the prospective purchaser where your premises are relative to where they are. You can have contact details on the same page if you like.

By linking local fliers and posters to a GPS enabled map you can maximise seasonal and expand the idea of ‘passing trade’.

Why not add an offer to the map enabled landing-page to make double sure the lead ends up converting into a paying client?

Works extremely well for multi site professional services firms too as a landing-page linked to QR enabled business cards.

Killer Mobile Landing-page Idea 4

Shop + Mobile Commerce + Google Checkout or Google Wallet

All of the other killer landing page concepts I covered support your business in certain ways from marketing to customer support.

This one puts money straight in your pocket because it’s all about mobile commerce and folks paying up for what you’re selling with the click of a mobile icon.

This landing page is not a page in any way.

It’s a shop.

Group similar product ranges together. Add descriptions, add photographs, add the price and make it straightforward to buy integrating your m-commerce store with Google Checkout and Google Wallet.

Without adding too much detail I just need to say that by adding both Google services to your m-commerce set-up you make it less complicated for people to purchase from you.

Set-up your m-commerce store and use it as a landing page to support catalogues, pay per click and seasonal campaigns.

If you ever have telephone enquiries, now you can tell them how to buy your products immediately without using a computer or paper and pen to do it.

I hope all of the super killer landing pages that we have covered in the last four articles have inspired you to take a look at mobile marketing and mobile landing pages in a creative light.

That is it!

8 ideas in total.

Hope you found it of use!

Stephane Kolinsky runs Springboard Outsourcing a bespoke mobile internet site development agency in Plymouth Devon. We also deliver small business mobile advertising campaigns on the behalf of clients.

Video Sales Letters and Affiliate Production

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

Did you know that a video sales letter is the number one way to communicate with consumers?


Hardly…. According to statistics, Video sales letters have more authority in the public’s eye than text ever could. No matter how solid your sales copy maybe is, a video explaining the very same points puts your sales copy attempts to shame.


A Squeeze Video is the reincarnation of the personal sales man approach, and you could not get even better results if you had people walking around knocking on people’s doors promoting your product.

This is because the people viewing your video have already shown an interest in buying your product, what they need next is the right amount of incentive to buy, presented in a way that is psychologically effective.

But it’s not enough to just have a video, like anything else; it needs to be done correctly.

While many people turn to YouTube to promote their services, what you really need to do is host your video right on your website, as the first thing that people see when they find your services.

There are many different people creating videos, either for themselves or others, but what im talking about is professional Video sales letter production that brings together copy-writing, animation and a slick voice-over to create something that looks and sounds like any commercial that you would see on T.V.

What you end up with is a visual representation of a thought process, facilitating a realization that you product really is all you claim.

So what makes a good Video sales letter?

Well, first off is the script.

This is just like any other sales copy, maybe a little more simplified. This is the heart of your video, and it is crucial that you get it right. So what do you look for?

-Short and sweet
-Clear and easy to understand by those limited by limited understanding of the language
-Under 3 minutes

These 3 points are proven to be the foundation of any good Sales Video letter. While your sales copy might be a little more in depth, you don’t necessarily have to pick between one or the other.

A Video sales letter is just the best way to get your foot in the door. It is a fact that a video will deliver your message more often than a sales copy can, and while some people might not read your entire sales copy, they will definitely watch the entire video, meaning that everything that you want to say will be said.

Let’s face it. A Video sales letter is everything that a sales copy isn’t and more, and unless you’re featuring one on all your websites, you are missing out on a good chunk of your leads.

Looking to find the best deal on online video marketing, then check out to find the best advice on video-sales-letters/ for you.

The anatomy of a video sales letter

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

Marketers prefer video sales letters first of all because it’s more efficient than any other type of presenting a product and second of all because it isn’t very expensive.

Plus, in the psychology of the user watching a video can seem to him far more helpful and entertaining than reading some text. Let’s face it, a lot of the content on the Internet is pure filler and this is why the user will always prefer to watch a promotional video production.

So people that are internet users are very lazy and prefer to watch a promotional video production rather of reading some long texts, and you should really try to use this as an advantage.

Corporate video production services can be found very easily if you decide to take a leap of faith and make huge changes to your site and business.

The thing with online video marketing is that you need to stay in touch with what people want and expect from you. And this thing can change very rapidly. And definitely, the thing that most marketers use these days is the video.

Even if sales letters still seem to you efficient, we advise you to change them into video ones, because there’s no reason why your profit wouldn’t need to get higher.

And I guarantee you that your profits will grow considerably by doing this. So start doing it and hope for the best! Video sales letters will definitely attract customers who might want to buy things from you. It would be a shame to not take advantage of this situation! It’s the perfect solution for you if you want your business to grow and develop! And more than that, it will attract new viewers!

It has been shown that text sales letters do not have the same impact on a person as a video sales letter.

The reason why video sales letters are more effective and popular with marketers is that they take less time to write and set up.

promotional video production

What it Takes to Run an Engaging Webinar

Friday, January 27th, 2012

Webinars are an exciting, interactive technology that online marketers can use to reach out to their prospects and customers in a way that’s effective and entertaining. Running a webinar gives you the chance to create an event that people get excited about and look forward to attending. Until a few years ago, running your webinar wasn’t easy as you couldn’t imagine so many people tuning into listen to your webinar. You probably wouldn’t have been able to obtain a broadband speed that was fast enough or the necessary software application. But it’s a different thing today and webinars are not only working but they are chosen by many Internet marketers to market their products. If you want to know how to create a great webinar, the following guidelines will be useful for you.

If you are not comfortable with SEO Link Monster, SEO Link Monster Review and executing quick and important decisions, then it is critical that you know that ability is indispensable with online marketing and business. If this is your very first business pursuit, then early on will usually determine how well-suited you are for the task.

First and foremost when you’re choosing the topic of your webinar, you should be up to date. If you’re not satisfying people with the information you’re providing, your webinar will not get you the results you want. You should strive to fill up your webinar with information that’s valuable and up to the minute. Webinars are a great platform for presenting the latest info on a topic, but people will be disappointed if all they hear is familiar and outmoded ideas. That’s why it’s essential to gather some relevant and timely content before presenting your webinar.

In order to run popular webinars, you have to find ways to get your message out to your intended audience in as many ways as possible. There’s also no point in telling a general audience, or the wrong type of audience about your webinar -your promotion has to be well targeted.

Think of your first webinar as a learning experience, and don’t expect it to be flawless. If there are problems or hurdles, that’s not unusual at all.

Issues or problems you didn’t anticipate may occur, but that will only make you more ready to deal with them next time. Each webinar you conduct will be more professional, and it won’t take you long to get up to speed. If you’re committed to honing your skills and constantly learning, you’ll become an expert at webinars before you know it.

You will never escape the stark reality of having to rely on your own ability to smartly implement something like SEO Link Monster, SEO Link Monster Review and choose what is best for your company as you go forth. Perhaps one of the most challenging periods is in the beginning when confusion and doubt tend to run high.

Misconceptions about video marketing

Friday, January 27th, 2012

Video marketing for small enterprise can bring in innovation. Advertising targets can be easily achieved using video marketing campaigns. With the ever-increasing popularity of videos on the internet, there is no reason for keeping clear of video selling.

However , if you don't know the unvarnished truth about video marketing, then you're going to act under misunderstandings. You will be going the incorrect direction when acting under wrong impression. In order to avoid such situations, you need to clear your head off these myths.

These are some of the common misconceptions that will possibly distract your video marketing campaign. Try to make notes of these so that you can stay away from them.

Many individuals believe that they cannot achieve success from video marketing without making viral videos. But if you'd like to reach ‘real ‘ success, you don't actually need viral videos. You only need to make videos that can attract some attention. Once your mpegs begin receiving some attention, you can work on video S.E.O by using tools like YouTube analysis. You may begin to see great success inside no time. If you create videos like these and then put them thru the S.E.O mill, you are going to get some viral videos out of these videos.

If you are concerned about creating funny videos, be not. You don't have to form funny videos always. YouTube receives more hits for ‘how-to ‘ videos. create videos that may relate to your business without being funny all the times.

Folks also believe incorrectly that only younger people come to look at videos on YouTube. If you're also under this wrong impression, then you want to read stats. You'll simply figure out that YouTube has a wide demographic audience. You don't have to target the youth only. If you business demands that you target a video marketing campaign for the senior citizens, you can do it on YouTube.

Greg Dickson gives useful
tips for video marketing. Small businesses relying on video marketing for small
can find many useful tips and tricks here. You will find it easy to
learn how metadata influences video SEO apart from mastering YouTube analytics.
UK Video Marketing has it all.

Leveraging YouTube for All It’s Worth

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

There are special considerations involved with making videos people respond well to as well as getting around Google’s YouTube If you have never marketed with video, then get educated about how to do it the right way because that will pay off. So we will offer a little intro lesson for you about using YouTube and making it work for your business.

Sometimes you can combine the efforts of two people and make something more powerful, and that is what this paragraph is all about. Both of you can get more exposure because the video can be placed in their and your channels. We recommend that you try to have close to the same number of subscribers otherwise the other person will not be interested. We all know about the power of effective joint ventures, and that is what this is. You have to make this a win-win for both of you, and that is sometimes where issues can come in. If you are totally new to YouTube, then you probably have no subscribers, yet, so that may present a problem. This will not only help you with your branding but it will also help you instant recognition.

What you always want to do is take the time to encourage viewers to talk with you, and that means you need to communicate with them. After some time people will reply to your video in some way, and the smart thing is to engage them as much as possible. Use copywriting methods in your video, and at the end say something provocative that will ensure you get a response from people. Understand, though, that if there are video replies it could take away from your video or channel in some way. The point is, in order to build long term relationships with your viewers, you should do whatever you can to engage your audience.

Providing some kind of commentary that is sure to get people to talk about is a tactic that works. You know what to do – make it something guaranteed to make people talk. This strategy has a lot of potential, but you must plan it very carefully. Relevancy is the order of the day with any of these techniques, and that means you must be able to make a connection to your offer, etc.

What you will discover at YouTube is that gaining traffic and viewers is probably the most challenging aspect. Start applying that tips that we discussed above to get the most out of your YouTube experience.

We encourage you head more than to Make market launch and Profit FM to have much more online advertising and marketing and promotion suggestions.

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