Posts Tagged ‘video production’

Conducting A Professional Interview ON Camera

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Conducting an interview can be a very nerve-racking and scary experience. You have a big responsibility to conduct a successful interview and to ensure that you receive the best response, for example, asking appropriate questions. Interviewing can be very difficult to get right, particularly if you have a subject quite unwilling to open up. Without some professionalism, a little engagement and the ability to set your subject at ease, then your interview might not go as well as anticipated. In this blog, I have summarized a few tips that I discovered in a how to conduct an interview video blog, which was created by a video production company.

To begin the interview a simple question or general conversation often helps the subject to relax and ease into the interview. It does not matter whether they get the question right, in this case you can all have a bit of a laugh and joke about it, again easing the whole experience. This does not have to be used in the final edit. Not only this, it is quite important to let the subject go through there stuff two or three times, so they are able to warm up. Also it is important that the interview is shot more that once so that there is more than enough footage when it comes to the editing, the worst thing is not having enough material.

The set-up of the interview is a simple yet crucial thing to keep in mind. It\’s a good idea to have someone sat next to the camera, either from your team or, preferably someone the subject knows, asking a few questions so that the subject isn\’t having to deal with the pressure of looking directly at the camera. This also means that they do not need to freak out talking to the camera, talking to someone else is much easier. This way they can also imagine that they are having an informal question and answer session rather than an interview, also making it easier for the subject to keep eye contact with the interviewer.

Finally the set up of the interview is another basic yet very important factor to keep in mind. A good idea is to have someone sitting next to camera, this can be either from your team, or someone that the subject knows, asking the person the questions. This is to make them again feel more at ease and less awkward, this way they are not having to deal with the pressure of needing to look directly at the camera. As well as this, the subject can also imagine that they are having a casual question and answer session instead of an interview. With someone next to the camera is also makes it a lot easier for them to keep eye contact, it generally makes the whole experience a little more natural.

Conducting an interview is never going to be an easy task, there is a lot of expectation that comes with it, but I have mentioned some very useful tips to hopefully make the process easier, in my personal opinion I think making sure the subject being interviewed is at ease and comfortable is perhaps the most important. Simply because this is a feature which will effect the whole atmosphere and the mood of the interview throughout, making the interviewers job much harder.

Want to find out more about Video Production Norwich, then watch the video. For an interesting perspective on interviewing then have a look at Takeover Day to see new young videographers learning their trade.

Using Twitter To Market Your Videos

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

Being a well known online entity probably comes under the list of ‘difficult things to achieve’. Is it possible to show off content without grating on the online sphere and do I really need to follow thousands of people I couldn’t care less about? Maybe you don’t, but using online platforms like Twitter is practically crucial. Don’t bother needlessly following users who don’t care about what you’re tweeting, carefully select your audience. It’s pointless having such a huge following if none of them are paying attention, so ensure you’re following worthwhile people.

So you’re now asking yourself how exactly you get so many followers in the first place, how to get that ball rolling? There is no magic formula here on how to create Twitter followers, but this article will attempt to take you through a few hints and tips that can help your efforts.

A way of beginning your online presence is to identify influencers. An influencer is a person or business on twitter with a loyal and readily established following. Making an influential connection might possibly result in a retweet of something relevant or mention a mention in a post, and this will be shown to many viable followers. Definitely don’t constantly bombard your influencer with a stream of posts, this will not help you achieve followers. Anything relevant that you can contribute to in their feed, it may result in a valuable conversation.

What’s often forgotten is that once your following is there, it’s important to ensure they remain interested, to do this you have to have a fairly regular feed of relevant and interesting things to say. Another mention in the Lambda films video is to keep an eye on trending topics so that you’re up to date with current affairs. Of course, not every trending subject is going to be relevant to your business, unless your company involves something to do with Justin Bieber, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them. Hashtags can also make what you’re tweeting about more accessible, those who might be interested in the subject matter of your post can find it via the hashtag. So hashtags are actually very useful tools.

Use Twitter and other social networking as a marketing tool, and your business will be seriously impacted. They are an easy communicative sphere between you, your customers, clients and even other businesses. It is key for businesses to jump on the online platform. So jump on, grab a microphone and sell your business ideas.

If you’re looking to use Video For Business, then visit the experts, the Video Production NorwichCompany, Lambda Films for production and advice.

Preparing For Your Corporate Video

Friday, May 30th, 2014

The production of a corporate video requires a great deal of planning and pre production if it’s to be a smooth and effective process. There are multiple messages and visions in play, not least the contrast between the videographer and the corporate client. In order to ensure your corporate video production goes off without a hitch, take a look at these simple steps to really nail down the creative direction of the production early on.

When researching ways to make this pre-production process smoother and more efficient for the future, I narrowed the steps down these few, including scripting, storyboarding, and a treatment to ensure the final intentions of the project are clear.

Scripting and storyboarding are essential in the pre-production of a project, they ensure that there is a vision and plan for when it comes to the filming. They both tackle vital features of the filming process. Scripting is important to make sure that all the necessary content is included, whether this is a solid formed script leaving no room of improvisation or bullet pointed topics of conversation. Scripting is not only used for speech but can also be used for movement, to convey a particular message through the body language of the actor or actress.

Scripting and storyboarding are fairly similar, one dealing with the people/person being filmed and the other dealing with those behind the camera, shooting the action. Storyboarding allows for a visual for the different shots that will used throughout filming, so that everyone included has a clear idea of what the final product will look like shot by shot, and also so that shooting on the day runs smoothly.

Finally, a treatment is designed to enshrine the core values of the finished product so that no matter how much extra footage is captured, the editor can pick and choose content that bests reflects the original treatment, ensuring the client receives a project in line with their original intentions.

Pre-production is vital or the coordination of what is going to be filmed and includes many stages that cannot to ignored (as I learnt). It effects the whole filming process and makes your life easier in the long run, with efficiency and ease when it comes to shooting. If you apply these techniques to your own videos, let me know how you get on in the comments below!

Take a look at our example videos Masters in Public Policy, and Masters in International Relations for a demonstration on good pre production techniques.

Working With Non-Professionals On Video

Friday, May 30th, 2014

Working in the corporate video industry has its differences from them up in Hollywood. Namely, you’ll spend most of your day working with non-professional subjects and often, it’s their performance which will make or break your corporate production. Nerves, a lack of understanding and bad directing are all reasons for poor performances in front of the camera and it doesn’t have to be this way. In this article we’ll take a look at a few tips to help you achieve a stressless and succinct interview with non-professional talent.

In this article we’ll look at a few key things to remember when you’re conducting an interview that can help your production run more smoothly…

To kick off, let’s start with the relationship between interviewer and interviewee. Where possible, an interpersonal dynamic needs to be cultivated that breeds motivation and interest. To do so, sit down with your subject before the cameras roll, chat to them about the content, ask questions and be interested. Not only does this allow your subject to feel motivated by talking to an interested individual, it also creates mental furrows so they can answer your question more fluently.

If the subject remains nervous, despite all your easing-in methods they still might fidget. If they have fidgety hands then it’s usually a good idea to frame a tighter shot on them rather than attempting to repress their urges. Do everything you can to avoid this nervousness though, a casual conversation or run-throughs before the interview starts can make all the difference.

Additionally, allow your subject to have a degree of choice when choosing where to sit. While you may have the perfect composition in mind, remember that many interviewees may want to be in certain rooms or away from audiences and colleagues. Work with them to find a comfortable location and then work your composition around that. Forcing your subject to endure the scrutiny of their colleagues while talking is a sure fire way to stress them out.

Once your subject is completely at ease and your shot is well arranged, a good use of light and minimal makeup will vastly improve the shot, a shiny and dimly lit subject would be a terrible result to the hard work throughout your interview. This is vital, particularly if you’re going in for a closeup where every little facial detail is on show.

Hopefully these tips will come in handy when producing your corporate video and working with non-professional talent. Stay tuned for more articles from us and take a look below at some example videos.

Take a look at our example videos Masters in Public Policy, and Masters in International Relations for a demonstration on good interview techniques.

The Pros And Cons Of Youtube

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

The online world is built with many platforms to share content on. From the favourite social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and then of course there’s the platforms with more scope to produce creative content, such as Vimeo, Vine and YouTube. Of these three, YouTube is the one that the masses are more likely to be familiar with. Some of you might be wondering right now what this has to do with marketing, YouTube has a reputation for endless amounts of amateur content, but can it not be a valuable marketing tool as well?

In other posts you might have read you’ll have seen I’ve talked about the benefits of viral videos and how bigger conglomerates are using them to market their own products. What we’re prone to forget is that in order for these videos to be a success, they need a popular video platform. Hello YouTube. The benefits of YouTube are endless, though you might not know it, there’s more to it than just being free and simple… which in itself is pretty smashing, all things considered.

YouTube focuses largely on how your video content is viewed on other online platforms. When you upload a video, you have the option to share it in at least ten different forms. The most common of these would be Facebook, Twitter, Google+… but then there’s others: Bebo, Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest and Odnoklassniki (which, going off my five Russian lessons, is Russian – but that’s as much light as I can shed) are all on the extensive list. The analytical features on YouTube are incredibly clear and beneficial as well as allowing you to see whether you are targeting the right demographic. It is carefully assessed by age, gender, location as well as other means of analysis and is formatted in nice graphs so you can see where and who your video reaching – and be very smug when Madagascar is highlighted on the map feature, as unlikely as that is.

You might not know it, but Google has suspiciously close ties with YouTube… as a result YouTube often ranks highly in Google web results. I recently found out that YouTube is also the second largest search engine, so when you’re wandering in and out of web domains searching for the benefits of YouTube, like me, you might stumble across this video blog from Lambda Films, a Norwich online production company. It lists a few useful pros and cons when it comes to YouTube.

The video details how a ‘well optimised’ YouTube vid might appear above the web results in the Google ranks. This happens when Google selects it as quality content that contends with the other web results. In order for this to occur your video has to be well optimised though, and fortunately YouTube has a feature to tag the video with relevant subjects, so get tagging.

Although it’s free, it does not in any way suggest YouTube is unprofessional. Actually, it has the potential to really give your business a leg up… so I’d advise using YouTube to any online marketer.

Watch Masters in Politics our latest YouTube video, and to learn more about video production and video marketing take a look at this video marketing course from Retina Burn.

Understanding Promotional Videos

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014

Within the confines of video marketing, the promotional video can a difficult format to define. As the name implies, the objective of a promotional video is just to raise awareness and promote something…anything! It could be an event, an product, a new initiative or just an exercise in brand building. This makes it difficult to ascertain what a promotional video should necessarily imply, especially as people and clients use the terms promotion and corporate video interchangeably. In this article we’re going to attempt to clear away some of the misunderstanding of what a promotional video is. be far-ranging in content and style with the only real objective of informing the viewer of something…anything! It doesn’t necessarily have to sell or persuade, but just raise awareness of a relevant item. It might be an exercise in brand building, or the benefits of a product. In this article we’re going to take a look at defining the promotional video format a little more.

A promotional video really can take any form, however the way I see it, is that the objective is to create a return. To do this, it must be universal enough to appeal to as many people.

To achieve this level of universal appeal the video content should be light enough to avoid alienating or confusing your audience and ensure you include some sort of call to action at the end to encourage response. It could be argued that promotional videos are not unlike television adverts albeit not constrained to the 30-second timescale. In this way promotional videos have more opportunity to include further information, interviews, talking heads and testimonials.

However, one mustn’t get too carried away with the lack of enforced timescale – attention spans online remain short and indulgence in branded and commercial video content is rare. This is why it is important to retain a light, soft sell approach in order to capture the attention of online audiences and where possible entertain while promoting.

So, the promotional video is designed as a maximum reach tool (within your chosen demographic), light-hearted at least and entertaining at most. It should revolve around a clever concept where possible in order to maximise share ability and attempt to encompass as large a swathe of your key audience as possible.

In the next set of articles we’ll take a look the structure and definition of alternative video marketing formats that you can use to raise the profile of your business online, engage with new customers and of course, sell more.

This information and much, much more is all in Ryan’s Video for Business video marketing course, or for examples and articles on effective video marketing, try Retina Burn, Ryan’s video marketing blog for your needs.

You Can Grow Your Business With Youtube And Video Marketing

Sunday, January 12th, 2014

If you’d like to take advantage of video marketing you have to understand how to rank videos in Google and YouTube. Many individuals can see ranked videos and it is the best way to increase your sales. Video marketing is much more than just posting a video clip to YouTube. Your video must be noticed and you could accomplish this by using video seo.

A company may get additional customers by creating videos. Online video marketing is swiftly becoming the most powerful way to get new customers. It enables you to present and transmit your sales message to many people. It engages individuals and keeps their interest a lot better than everything else ever has. In case you own a business and you’re not taking full advantage of online video marketing it is about time you should.

Knowing the type of video you will make is the initial step in online video marketing. This could be a commercial style video, a case study video clip, a review video, or more. It is important to end up making a video that is right for your company. When you identify the video kind you have to start ranking it through video seo.

When you begin ranking your videos you will recognize that the number of views you get will go up substantially. If video seo is something brand new to you, then you ought to understand that this means video search engine optimization. The procedure permits you to get pleasure from having videos which are ranked. It all starts off by distinguishing the correct keywords. You want a keyword that people use whenever they try to find solutions that companies just like yours can offer.

Selecting the best keyword requires you to utilize a keyword search tool. You will find a lot of tools and you can use whatever you desire. Once you discover the keyword that gets searched the most you will know what to make your video about. Your main goal in video marketing is to produce videos that people can see!

Making a very good title for your video and making use of keywords on the video’s brief description is likewise necessary in video seo. The process permits YouTube and Google to be familiar with the details of your video and rank the video clip for the search phrases. You would like to utilize a fantastic description and you would like to use a lengthy description. The final part includes the building of backlinks. Backlinks convey to YouTube and Google that you’ve got a video that’s important and people can use. You need a lot of fantastic backlinks so the chances your video will get ranked will rise. It’s an important element of video seo, so make sure that you don’t miss out on it. Don’t be afraid to devote time and effort in video seo strategies that will provide you with good results!

When you want to learn how to rank videos then check out our video on how to get more views on YouTube for your business.

Marketing Your Business On Youtube Can Increase Business

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Among the best strategies to obtain new customers is through video. There’s no question that video marketing has turned into one of the best ways to draw in shoppers. Videos permit you to present your company to a wider market. When it relates to acquiring the attention of individuals, no other thing is much better than making videos. In case you possess a business and you are not taking full advantage of online video marketing it is about time you must.

The very first thing you have to do is determine what sort of video you must do. You could make a case study video, a commercial style video, or a review video among others. It’s important to wind up creating a video that is right for your business. When you identify the video type you need to start ranking it using video seo.

To start with, you ought to know what kind of video is appropriate for your business. It is essential to take note of the way you’ll advertise your videos in picking a type of video to make. One example is whenever you want to see your video show up in the search engines. It’s the perfect time to go for a video which has a commercial style. But if you intend on creating a case study video you may want to simply have it in your site.

Your videos can be viewed by many people when it’s ranked by search engines. You’d like the video to rank well in YouTube and Google so you can reach out to your audience. You should follow the correct seo tactics for your video to be noticed by individuals who’re curious about your company. You can make the most out of video seo if you adhere to the appropriate techniques.

As soon as your video begins ranking, it’s time to concentrate on uploading them correctly. YouTube is utilized by most since Google owns it and it is also extremely popular. Be sure you include your key phrases in the title and description. This permits YouTube and Google to know what the video is all about.

When you ascertain the best keywords you wish to begin with backlinks. You could make use of things like article writing, web 2.0 websites, wikis and much more. What you need is to have excellent backlinks so that your video is going to rank higher. It’s important to acquire quality backlinks and not a bunch of spammy backlinks since that could harm your search engine rankings.

You will see a constant increase in your video’s search engine rankings when you do all of these things. With more consumers viewing your video, you should be able to get additional customers and profits. Online video marketing is an excellent way to advertise your company to the many Internet users around the world. Take advantage of video marketing and be a contented business owner.

As you learn how to get more view on my YouTube videos you will know it is important to get real YouTube views for your videos.

Video Can Help You Grow Your Business

Friday, January 10th, 2014

There are lots of advertising tactics you could apply to grow your business. Being a business proprietor you should focus your precious time on the strategies that will give you the best results. When you look at the methods available, you will realize that one very good option is online video marketing. You can interact with people on a totally new level with this kind of strategy. When you begin using video marketing there are some things you need to consider.

To start with, you should know which kind of video is appropriate for your company. There are several styles of videos and sometimes the best one is dependent upon the method you’ll be advertising your videos. For instance, if you plan on ranking your video in the search engines then you may want to use a commercial style video. But when you plan on having a case study video you might like to just have it on your website.

Your videos can be seen by many if it is ranked by search engines. You can be seen by your preferred audience if the video is ranking in YouTube and search engines. Using the proper video seo techniques allows you to place your video before people looking for what you provide. You could make the most from video seo when you adhere to the right strategies.

Once you begin ranking videos you need to focus on posting the video correctly. Use YouTube as it is a very good website and it is likewise owned by Google. When you publish the video you must always use your keywords in the title and brief description. It is through this that YouTube and Google will recognize what kind of video you’ve made.

You then have to begin doing work on your backlinks as soon as you identify the appropriate keywords. Get the most out of article promotion, wikis, and web 2.0 sites. There are plenty of ways to acquire back links and the more you’ve got and the higher the quality the simpler and better your video will get ranked. Always keep away from spammy backlinks that can reduce your search rankings.

You will know that your video has already ranked if there are more persons phoning you. Naturally, you likewise have more customers and profits. Keep in mind that everything begins with ranking the video and utilizing the appropriate keywords. If you already recognize the keywords that people use, you may then begin making your video.

Being familiar with video seo is important before you even get involved in video marketing. It’s how you can reach persons who are attracted to the services you provide. You may generate viewers and obtain a lot more customers and profits.

When you’re ready to start marketing on YouTube, then check out these videos aboutvideo marketing for you.

Youtube Can Help You Market Your Business

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Promoting your business on the net calls for critical planning. There are several ways of marketing and advertising a business that’s why it is vital that you focus on one effective method. Many people concentrate just on their website and that may not be the ideal way to advertise your business. Things like directory listings, online video marketing, and other optimization methods can be quite helpful.

For a start, you can attempt some video marketing. It helps you advertise your company in a fashion that wasn’t possible before. Video marketing permits potential clients to visibly discover you and obtain an excellent grasp at just how you do your thing. You may upload your video clips on Youtube or Google, arguably the most popular sites on the internet today. This enables you to focus on specific people looking for a company just like yours.

One more way to market your business online is to join directory sites such as Yelp. Whenever you do that you may backlink to your website and this can assist with your sites ranking in Google. Your Yelp profile could increase your Google ranking. It’s an easy way of taking your place in Google Search’s first page for your aimed keywords. Using directory sites is an excellent method to bring in more people to your business and your internet site.

Video marketing works well with organization adverts too. A straightforward organization video could be more than sufficiently good to be utilized to promote your business online. You can make use of several advertising tools to market your small business on the web, there is however no question that videos are the most useful way to go over it. You may even do trial and error to find out what would be the right pick for your company, but there’s no doubt that videos are the most effective ones.

A third way to advertise your business online is to utilize pay advertising. Google Adwords and Yahoo is a great choice. They allow you to promote your company on their search engine for any keyword you desire. You will be putting in a bid on offered keywords where you would like your advertisement to be visible on.

Though it is essential to attempt these website marketing techniques, there are still alternative methods that could help you acquire great results. Take some time to investigate the best methods to advertise your online businesses and you will see great outcomes.

You can get your videos found with video seo and learn how YouTube marketing for local business can help you.

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