Posts Tagged ‘Internet marketing’

If You’d Like To Earn Money Online, You Need To Study How To Use Video Marketing Like A Expert

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Video marketing will continue to grow as the ways to sell on the net develop more easily everyday. If you have any kind of presence online it has the probability to greatly increase your visitors and brand awareness as a result of the amount of options you have in getting your message across. There are literally billions of views for online videos every month from all the video sharing sites. That number is increasing and the fact is that the length of time people will actually watch a video is also increasing.

More information on using video marketing revealed

It is the perfect viral tool and has benefited from all the other social sites such as Twitter and Facebook. The sharing of a video is easy to do on social sites that grow as a result of associations and the referring of like minded people. This is now more deeply accelerated by new technology reaching the market everyday. Videos are ideal for the many tablets and modern phones that are being introduced to the marketplace. People are buying these gadgets and you only need witness what is going on around you to observe how many of us are using these kinds of products.

Many of us are still not incorporating video as part of our online efforts despite all of the benefits it can deliver to a business. Viewing ourselves on camera or just thinking we cannot in reality do it is probably putting quite a few of us off. Making a video is actually not that difficult and can be achieved to suit your budget. For example, there are numerous instances where a straightforward flip camera is used and is quite satisfactory for what you need to produce. With regards to what you are looking to produce, the condition for you to appear on camera is frequently not needed in any case. A proven video method uses a mixture of power point and a screen capture product from a corporation like Camtasia. There are even websites like Animoto where you can add images and choose music and text to go with these and a video will be produced for you.

The variety of video you actually generate may very much depend on the type of online business you run. If you understand your customer base subsequently this helps you produce something suitable. If you need to be seen as an expert in your field for instance, educational type presentations can quickly get you noticed. Additionally, if you are reviewing merchandise then actually doing some kind of filmed demonstration can be very effective to help people decide. A number of the most viral videos have some type of humor in them and so if you have got the personality for this, you can rapidly make an impact.

Video marketing is not going anywhere soon, so now is the moment to start using this to increase your traffic and your revenue online.

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How to Make Your Facebook Advertising More Effective

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

It seems with the incredible numbers of users, that Facebook advertising has opened up tremendous opportunities for businesses all around the world. The main form of advertising here is very much like pay-per-click, but there are major differences. You can do a lot here, and the barrier to entry is much lower than it is at the major search engine we all know.

One of the most important activities you can do with any form of serious advertising is test. This is really advertising and copywriting 101, the basics, and that is why it makes a huge difference to learn those skills. Most or many IM marketers are aware of split testing, A/B type, even though the majority of them do not always bother with it. Your click through rates will always get better, and that is just in reference to conversion rates for your ads. Anytime you are doing this kind of advertising, you have to employ some kind of split testing if you want to see your results get better.

Even if the product you’re selling doesn’t fall into this category, you should try and think out of the box to give your prospects a better deal than your competitors.

So when you get them to your reveal tab, you’ll see that they are actually in a highly receptive mode. Of course you will need to do all the right things when it comes to how you present your page. Even if they like it and are there inside, you have to still have all the right things in place so they will become active, etc.

Once you submit your ads, then you simply need to wait for the approval process because Facebook uses people to review ads. Avoid being hasty and make judgments when you don’t see your getting approved there and then. No need to worry, if your ad is all right then it will be online in maybe a little more than an hour, or so. Since this is a live human process, then just be patient if there is any kind of hold-up or mistake.

Facebook advertising offers tremendous ability to place highly targeted ads, and that is just one reason you should check it out. Of course you still have to write copy that converts and know how to test, etc. Your first efforts will not be home runs, but that is normal so just execute the process in the right way. So what are you waiting for? The tips that we discussed in the above article are great for a start, so begin applying them right away!

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Ideas For Serving Your Customers on Twitter

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Internet marketers and webmasters have always used whatever ways they could to better serve their clients and customers. Giving the best possible customer service should be your top priority if you want to make it big. Twitter just happens to be one of the more prominent social sites that has risen in popularity over the last couple of years.

Beyond being great for micro-blogging, it’s great for offering your customers highly targeted service. However, the question that arises here is – what do you do to make Twitter work for you in this area? How can you get the most awesome results? The following article talks about three useful Twitter customer service ideas for you to use…

One of the first things that you should focus on is, providing Real Time customer service. If you do this, you can give your brand a boost by offering excellent customer support on Twitter. Your customers could have different trepidations that need to be taken care of at once. When you grant immediate customer service through Twitter, you can generally solve objections faster. With the ability to be more expedient in helping your customers, it gives you an edge over your competitors. When your customers do not experience a delay in your response, they will feel important. So do not keep them hanging any more, let Twitter make your service far better than what it could be.

It will ensure that you’re receiving more of positive comments than negative ones. When you focus on just this one thing, the better off your business is going to be. It is important, if you really want Twitter to work for you, that you are as engaging and as proactive as you can possibly be. So work your way up by practicing how straightforward you are.

The reason that Twitter works so well for customer service is pretty basic: it allows you to set up direct communication with the people who typically buy from you. It doesn’t matter what you want to get from your business; customer service with Twitter will help you get there.

If you’ve used Twitter even a little bit, you should understand how much value you can deliver to your customers with it. The nicest thing is that you don’t have to use it like regular customer service. It’s a good idea to view Twitter as a way to easily stay in touch with your buyers and clients. You can use it as a micro-blogging platform but the truth is that there is more value in it than that. So, if you haven’t yet begun to use Twitter to better serve your customers, now is the time to do that. Plan these things out for yourself and and try to use these ideas to take action.

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Who is Tired of paying for leads?

Monday, November 28th, 2011

One of my favorite topics. I love the concept of video marketing for many reasons. And video marketing is rapidly gaining in popularity thanks to the emergence of You Tube, and distribution tools like Traffic Geyser. More online business people than ever before are utilizing video marketing as a powerful means of free lead generation.

But don’t get discouraged that so many people are using this medium to promote their business. The good news (for the emerging savvy Internet marketer – that would be you) is that most people are doing it pretty badly.

And for someone who understands how the medium works, how attraction marketing works and how information marketing works, this will narrow the pack substantially.

Alright, down to the basics. Why is video marketing such a powerful medium?

Internet video is now the most sought after commodity on the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.). These search engines love video content and will generally push your posted videos up in the free search results (also known as the “organic” or “natural” search results).

30,000,000,000 web videos are watched every month in the United States. That’s right, videos. In fact, videos now comprise THIRTY BILLION. This represents 60% of all web traffic.

Not only is there tremendous video traffic on the internet, but surfers who are looking for videos are a highly desirable demographic. 71% of You Tube viewers are employed (repeat after me – we don’t want to particularly target broke people – sad for them, not much use to you). 15% are students. The median income of a You Tube viewer is $75,000. Almost 50% are married ( not totally relevant, but interesting fact), and 70% are college educated.

When you combine and apply the fundamental principles of attraction and information marketing in your videos, along with smart keyword research, you can learn how to dominate the search engines.

So, what to talk about in your videos. Content rich subject matters that people can use or at least related to. The conversation can be relevant to current events or it can even be amusing. The videos can be about what ever you want.

In short , you will kill two birds with one stone here. You will attract the people who are looking for what you have to offer, by positioning yourself as a leader and an authority in your industry, through the delivery of the valuable, useful and relevant information they are searching for.

Now would be a great time to discuss what you don’t do. This is very simple and easy to remember – and hopefully, you will have already guessed what I am about to say.

Don’t talk about yourself, and pitch your business. Ever. I mean it – EVER.

This is an ‘old school’ offline marketing technique. Leave it in 1980 where it belongs.

Remember why people are online looking for information. They are not looking for you, or your business in the first instance. They do not care about you (they don’t even know you yet), or your ‘next best thing’ biz opp.

They are looking for information that will help them to answer a question, solve a problem, or make a decision.

So, to the content you will post. Answer people’s questions. Deliver high quality, accurate information that your niche might be searching for. Be generous. Don’t hold back your best stuff. Serve it right up front and center. This is counter intuitive, I realize, but it will establish your expertise, and more importantly, trust between you and the searcher. People will be more inclined to take the next step in your marketing process, if they can see that your primary intent is not to blatantly pitch them.

Now, I don’t want to give you the impression that your story is not important. It is. Vital, in fact. But not right up front. The purpose of your personal blog, website or social media profile is to allow your prospects to get to know you better. And this is the appropriate place to tell your story.

You do not want to be posting lengthy “War and Peace” style videos, two to three minutes long is plenty. Aim to cover one Q and A per video.

Your videos will serve to educate your prospects, establish you as a person of value and allow you to direct your viewer to take the next step in your marketing process.

All you are EVER trying to “sell” is the next click. Where you send people to next will depend on how you have designed your pipeline. It may be to a landing page, or your blog. But, and this is also important – they should find what you tell them they will find when they get there. Make sure you transition your viewer in a smooth and logical way to the next place.

Video marketing is particularly powerful when you combine it with a Pay Per Click strategy. The idea is to build your list relatively quickly using Pay Per Click, and then communicate with your list on a regular basis via your auto responders. In this way, you can let your list know that you have posted a video on topic “X”, provide them with the link to view the video, and invite them to comment on your post.

This will increase the views of your video. And if people have been invited to leave a comment, they will have had to watch your video through to the end. If the viewer actually leaves a comment, pat yourself on the back. This is a marketing trifecta, because Google rewards all of these elements by giving your video a higher ranking in the organic search listings.

You will not need any fancy equipment to record your video, in fact $150 will get you a snazzy Flip camera, which will do the job perfectly.

Now, just a couple of other snappy tips:

Choose a quiet location to record your video. The sound of background noise (traffic and wind in particular) is very distracting.

Outdoor locations are great, but make sure you are not squinting into the sun, or wearing sunglasses (we made the sunglasses mistake in our first videos – people like to be able to see your eyes).

If possible, make sure the viewer can see your hands – again, a trust issue.

Make sure you are confident about your subject matter before you start. Speak with authority.

Never use the words “thank you” “please” or “just”

E.g. “I’m just making a video to tell you about X” or “thank you for watching my video”. Sounds needy.

Near enough is NOT good enough. If you are not really happy about your video, don’t post it. Practice is the mother of mastery, so practice this skill until you are very comfortable about what you are producing. I personally think that a poor quality video does more harm than good.

Create some “interview” style videos. If you are part of a couple, have your spouse ask you the questions you want to cover. The presentation tends to be more relaxed when you work this way.

Try to avoid walking and moving around too much as you film – it can be very distracting, and detract from the material you are presenting.

So there you go, some ideas to get you going on a video marketing campaign. Make today a great one. Cheers,

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Social Media and Marketing

Monday, November 28th, 2011

There is little doubt that at this point social media marketing is forefront on the marketing scene. Business owners are scrambling to get a company presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more.

And therein lies the problem, the fact that companies are scrambling. Social media should be a complementary piece of your marketing strategy. Like everything else you do with your business it should be integrated into your overall marketing plan. This is because there is no other low-cost promotional method available today that can expose you to very large numbers of people like social media can. Those who ignore the impact of social media usually fall into one of three categories; the ones who don’t know much or anything about social media, the ones who are interested but don’t know how to use it, and those who don’t believe in the value that a social media strategy can bring to their company.

So here’s the rub. Although we hear about it everywhere we turn in the marketing world, social media is generally unproven. Few companies can probably step forward today and provide statistics on exactly what it contributes to the bottom line in fact. But everyone you talk to will agree on one thing. You should be in the game. Social media cannot be ignored. And to differentiate yourself from the vast majority of businesses out there pursuing this approach all you really need to do is to approach it with a strategy.

Here are a few tips on how you can go about making this a reality. Get in touch with a company that understands the power of the different social media and how to use them in your overall marketing plan. Make a decision on exactly how it fits into your business and how it can work with both your prospect and client base. Remember, every media may not be for every company.

Secondly, make sure you understand the concept of the word FREE! The various social media you implement are not free because there is a human cost to maintaining this part of the business. Time is money and someone in your business is going to have to maintain them daily and often many times a day. Why? Currency of message! Once individuals start to track you the last thing you want them to see is stale information and updates. So, if you can do it yourself, costs are limited to only your time and perhaps the expenses involved in hiring a freelance programmer/designer. The hope is that the benefits will exceed the cost. But here is one reality that makes it worth the effort. No one can dismiss the fact that it would cost thousands of dollars to buy many new links. The advantage of social media is that it possesses the ability to give you that for free.

Let’s discuss links for a minute so you understand their importance and how you can justify the costs associated with and the importance of dedicating someone to the job of managing your social networking, either in-house or external to it. Don’t forget, the objective is to attract a large number of hits to your site. As the natural hits from trusted domains grow, your site becomes recognized and trusted by search engines. Your person overseeing the social media must optimize your “link-bait” and website structure properly. When this is done you can easily start ranking for competitive keywords, which will in turn bring in search engine visitors.

Over time, if you maintain diligence your search traffic will increase. In this manner you are obtaining quality links because people trust the other links they are going to. If you are a citation link then you too are probably worth checking out. See it as borrowed credibility.

To ensure that the money you are spending is worthwhile, your next priority should be to make sure you can in fact measure what is actually happening. Empirical evidence supporting and validating the impact of your efforts can be the single most effective tool at ensuring you are on track, tell you what is working and letting you know when it’s time for a change. Whether you are selling products or services or just publishing content for ad revenue, social media marketing is a potent method that can make your business profitable over time. You need to pay attention to it and do it right from the start. Not paying attention to or not participating in it at all could cost you even more in the long run.

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Boosting Your Video Views on YouTube

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

In order to get more views to your YouTube videos, you have to create videos that are high quality and targeted, and also apply some creative methods to market them. The strategies we’ll be sharing in this article have been used by many successful video marketers to get more views for their YouTube videos.

Create Help Videos in Your Niche: Certain styles of video are especially popular on YouTube, and you should be aware of this when choosing your approach. Generally, you’ll find that “Help Videos” work extremely well when you’re trying to leverage YouTube to get traffic to your website or blog. People that are looking for help videos are obviously trying to search for a solution, and if your video offers that solution to them then they will be more than happy to check out the link you suggest them. Many people searching for videos today are seeking answers, and an informative video can supply these in a convenient format; while you’re helping people, you’re also warming them up to your main offer. It’s fairly simple to address a basic problem in your niche and make a video about it, and this is an easy way to attract viewers and also visitors to your website. Use Interesting Thumbnails: When it comes to acquiring targeted attention on YouTube, this is one maneuver that never disappoints. If you concentrate on utilizing convincing and attention-grabbing thumbnails of your videos, you will notice that a higher number of individuals will sit down and watch your video. Because more than 70 percent of video views happen because of Related Videos you should always be confident that you are using appropriate thumbnails of your videos. However, this certainly does not mean that you should mislead or misguide your potential viewers by showing a thumbnail that is not related to your video. Spoiling your reputation and lowering the trust of your viewers is the last thing you want to do on YouTube. You should be honest and transparent in your approach in every possible way so that your viewers appreciate you and your efforts, rather than blame you for breaching their trust. For social media sites, like YouTube, gaining trust for your target audience is a must.

Keep Your Videos Concise: One of your aims on YouTube is to get people to share your videos with others. Word of mouth is something that can literally drive your YouTube success like anything if you can get right. Still, as the length of concentration for many YouTube users is not very long, you should concentrate on making short, yet fascinating videos.

Allow Embedding: Many YouTube marketers make an oversight by limiting how much their videos can be shared and this disbars the videos from being embedded. It is obvious that you will have too tight of control over how far your video can make it, as it will not be able to get as much exposure or be viewed as often if you do not permit other people to embed your video on their website or blog. Some people will find your video to be so remarkable that they want to share it through their website or blog, so you should do your best to feel happy about that. Also, allow your viewers to rate and comment on all of your videos so that you are able to make them more interactive. You should make your videos as open and approachable as possible so that your viewers actually help you spread them around. YouTube and viral marketing rally together, therefore why would you decide to control this grouping?

Ascertaining a continuation of victories with YouTube has to do with how well-liked your videos are and how many targeted views they can acquire on a regular basis.

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Using Video Marketing to Get Actual Results

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

People love video content more than ever before so is it any wonder that video marketing is becoming so prevalent? Most Internet Marketers take video marketing quite seriously because of the potential that is within it. Thanks to the constantly rising popularity of video sharing portals like YouTube, there isn’t any wonder that this has begun to happen. You need to ask yourself, then, “how can I get as much as possible from video marketing and earn a real return on the effort that I put out?” What do you think you should focus on to make sure that video marketing actually gives you the results you want and get you the traffic you desire? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

Be Active: You need to put in real effort to understand who is sharing your video content the most so that you can work on building a long term relationship with them. There are tools you can use to monitor this sort of thing to figure out who your biggest advocates are so that you can actually talk to them, get their feedback and utilize them in a way that is valuable to you. If you can keep your hardcore fans satisfied, they’ll help you spread out your videos so that you can get the exposure that you want. The social media world is all about exchanging value, so make these big players feel valued and give them what they want. Measure Results: If you want to get as much as possible from your video marketing you need to be able to learn from your experiences and tweak your videos according to the results you are getting from your viewership. To determine the success of your campaigns, you need to understand the ROI you have so that you know whether or not the direction in which you are moving is a good one. There are lots of statistics like the number of viewers you have, how many times they play your videos, etc that are incredibly important. There are lots of great tools on the internet that can help you gather this sort of information which can help you decide which steps to take in the future.

Decide Your Goal: What is it that you want video marketing to accomplish for you? What goal is your biggest? Would you like your website to get better traffic? Are you hoping to increase product sales?

Collaborate As Much As You Can: There is one particular aspect of video marketing that can be quite helpful to you but that not many use properly and that is the collaboration with media partners who help you get the best placements around. Taking a partnership approach will allow you to get a better response from various outlets, which is why you shouldn’t ignore this part of the whole equation. It’s important to figure out how to create content that is mutually beneficial so that you’ll get as much viewership and engagement as possible.

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Marketing on Twitter Etiquette

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

When you’re marketing on Twitter there’s some proper rules and guidelines that you need to follow.

Twitter is quickly becoming a phenomenon that’s changing the world as we know it. In an instant you can tell people all over the world what you are up to. If you are watching tv, hanging with friends, traveling the world, have a business to market, or just want to be your goofy self, Twitter is the place to make yourself known to millions of people.

It’s important to put yourself in your followers shoes when you are tweeting. If you come across as being too pitchy or a spammer, you will not have success marketing on Twitter. The community will shut you out very quickly.

People are being inundated with product pitches and business opportunities everyday on in the internet so it’s important to be careful when promoting any type of business on Twitter. It’s okay to talk about your business or product but use discretion.

When you marketing on Twitter make sure that you offset your business tweets with personal tweets. Don’t become know as the “mlm pitcher.”

People are interested in knowing the real you. They don’t care about your business. That’s why you want to be yourself, have fun, and be interesting.

Remember that 140 characters is not much space to share information, so make sure that you don’t bore your audience to sleep.

It’s okay to post this content but make sure you post more interesting Tweets as well.

If you’re marketing on Twitter then here’s a couple of guidelines to follow. Only send out 1 business tweet for every 3 tweets that you post and only send out between 5-6 tweets a day.

Following these guidelines will keep a healthy balance between your business tweets and personal tweets and your followers will be more likely to stay tuned with what you have to say.

If you want to gain a lot of followers then it’s important to post your Twitter link everywhere that you can. Post it on sites like Facebook, Youtube, your blog, and even email signatures.

If you don’t want to get your account banned then I highly recommend avoiding automatic Twitter services that offer bulk followers and mass tweeting. There are some legitimate sites out there but avoid using them if possible.

Just Unfollow and Tweetlater are a couple of sites that I recommend using. They have proven to be legitimate sites but just use them sparingly.

Once your account gets banned with Twitter, it’s a nightmare trying to get it back and you’ll lose all of your followers.

You can generate a lot of prospects within your niche marketing on Twitter if you follow the proper rules of engagement.

Remember to be always be yourself, be consistent, be interesting, follow the proper rules of engagement, and Twitter will be a tremendous marketing resource. Are you the next Twitter marketing rockstar? If so, prove it. Go out there and start tweeting! Watch out Ashton Kutcher!

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Facebook Marketing For Dummies

Monday, November 21st, 2011

Facebook marketing can be really effective for any type of online business, the key is learning exactly how to market on this huge social platform. A simple website alone will not get you the sales you want, you must generate targeted traffic to see results. But, in order to effectively use this platform you must layout a simple strategy that will work.

Once you have defined your niche market and have a unique product or a product that you are an affiliate. The next step is to create a fan site, marketing on Facebook should not be done with the personal profile should be done in a fan page allowing you to make friends and create unlimited multiple marketing strategies. So do not agree to your profile or put it at risk.

After you have your fan page completed the next thing is to lay out a marketing strategy that applies to your business purposes. But, you should have a landing page where targeted visitors from Facebook can see exactly what you are offering them. The key is to try not to be too pushy with your product or opportunity.

The landing page should do the main work, of capturing the prospect or selling the product, but mainly you should try to get visitors to become fans to your page and click “like” for them to do so is always recommended to provide a free gift. It can be a free report, ebook or even a video, but the purpose is to get access they must perform an action.

Once you list your site for fans with their respective landing page, the next step is to generate traffic, but the way I recommend that will definitely grow your business fast is with Facebook ads. Once you start to get visitors and increase your fans it’s time to start promoting the products, everyday you can post valuable content about your niche and really be of help to the in your fan page.

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How To Avoid Dismal Results with Facebook Advertising

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

All business owners utilizing facebook marketing are faced each day with a host of decisions from the unimportant to the very important. Perhaps one of the most challenging periods is in the beginning when confusion and doubt tend to run high.

The ever-increasing growth of Facebook advertising is still going strong as it has in the beginning. Yes, of course you can still do ad runs elsewhere, but for now and the foreseeable future this is the place to be. One of the most important parts of an ad campaign is how well your targeting is, and that is more than possible here, as well. However keep in mind that you will need to get a lot of things right in order to see the best results, but many tools will be at your disposal. After all, you should strive to get an optimum performance out of your ads and achieve a higher return on your investment.

When you have over half a billion people visiting a website, like Facebook has, then obviously that will make for an intense advertising environment replete with opportunity. Even with a traffic base of that size, there is still the need to know what you are doing and approach your campaigns just like you would anywhere else. If you know and apply the basics right, you’ll find that Facebook advertising is actually simple. Yes, there is definitely a learning curve involved, but it’s not as difficult as people are making it out to be.

We have all been scammed early in our IM careers, and it can almost seem like a rite of passage for us. We know how it feels to be alone and working on this stuff, and so it can feel bewildering at times trying to figure out if something is for real. We generally read horror stories from people who have not been online and in business for long. We really pretty much do not care who it is, if something is new to you then you have to preform some research to get another side of the story. There are certain behaviors and qualities you need to acquire, and this is definitely one of them.

It is a wise move for you to become familiar with the rules that Facebook has in place for advertising. There are many things that you’ll be able to learn by going through these guidelines, and more importantly, you’ll be able to prevent yourself from making any costly mistakes. Obviously this is a good thing to do because you could violate them, and Facebook has a reputation for punishing first before getting all the facts. That will be a fairly quick read, and then you will be knowledgeable which is the best place to be. Every ad you eventually run will need to speak the language of your audience, and it is your job to make sure your ads do that. These are the concepts and strategies that have been a part of the direct response ad industry long before anyone ever thought of the internet. If you are just getting your feet wet in this, then do the smart thing and learn as much as you can before you jump into it.

If you have a Facebook page, then what you want to do is make the reveal tab the destination URL for your ad. The exchange here is a like for getting what you have put into your page.

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