Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

People Stay Online All The Time – How To Market To Them

Monday, September 20th, 2010

When used strategically, Twitter can be an invaluable tool for networking, information filtering, tapping into a human search engine and for reaching your target groups. Learn how this new feature can help in marketing your company and assist you in building a community of followers that can help in the growth of your business.

People stay online all the time on social networking sites for their business purpose like marketing any product or information. Also it helps keep you in touch with friends and relatives or even for entertainment purpose. It is primarily being used to provide subscribers with information on service and product offerings but it has also been particularly useful in building a loyal customer base.

Today, more and more online business owners are turning to email marketing as their primary means to generate sales and leads, not only because the results are easily tracked but also because it is an inexpensive platform to market services on a large scale. You meet individuals and get to know them by sharing knowledge about each other. Those you like and/or share interests with become part of your “network”. The marketing magic kicks in when those in your network start chatting about you.

Social marketing is all about harnessing cutting-edge technology to the advantage of both the brand and the customer. Competition is steep as more and more brands adopt social marketing strategies with companies hoping to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Websites such as Facebook and MySpace are excellent to find consumers based on the locality. You can find both sellers and buyers via these social networking websites. Times have changed and its actually harder for a marketer to get the consumer to his account manager, so it’s time for you to go to your customers online comfort zone like Facebook, blogs, Twitter, Linkedin.

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categories: social,marketing,facebook,twitter,online marketing,social marketing,internet

Take Advantage Of The Great Opportunities You Can Get From YouTube

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

YouTube may not be the biggest website in the world, but it is pretty close. In fact, they say that it’s actually the second largest search engine in the world right now, bigger than Yahoo, Bing, and anyone else. How’s that for an impressive stat when you consider the fact that it doesn’t even bill itself as such? It is really developed this community atmosphere despite its large size. And it does this by allowing people to promote themselves.

You can promote yourself through YouTube too. It just takes a little savvy and web know-how to make it all work.

People on YouTube adhere to a strict timeline.

Regular uploads indicates to your followers that you are sincere in your dedication to them. You want to create a loyal following of people who will regularly watch your videos much in the same way as people do with TV shows. Also put some effort into making your channel page look appealing.

People will also pay more attention to you if you can manage to engage them personally. Also be prepared for some biting remarks on YouTube. You get a different clientele on YouTube and some of them can be a bit cutting in their remarks.

It leads to greater communication between the viewer and the audience-member and that builds up over the course of time. This bond is exactly what will fuel your growth over time for two reasons. First of all, you’ll generate repeat visitors from these very same people. Secondly, they’ll help to fuel some word of mouth growth by telling their friends about what you do.

It’s easy to ask a simple question of your viewers – and one that can be easily answered in the comments section of the site. Put other videos in your playlist that you think might be useful to your visitors. This doesn’t have to be just your own videos.

Promote yourself on other social media outlets. Web places like FaceBook, Digg and Twitter are a great way to link back to your videos. Social media efforts can take up a bit of time but it will be worth it.

Besides YouTube, the author additionally regularly shares knowledge about metal sign and metal headboards.

Easy Steps To Monitor Twitter Sentiment

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Twitter sentiment is a term that is used to express, and truly keep track of, how individuals feel concerning topics and brands. You should utilize Twitter Sentiment to tap into feelings and tactically plan your social networking technique for greatest effect. Below are a few tools to follow Twitter Sentiment.

Twitter Sentiment – Named after the information it’s calculating, Twitter Sentiment permits customers track brands referred to on Twitter. You key in a search phrase, your business name for example, and the application highlights all good and bad tweets which contain that phrase. It also places them in a chart for convenient comparison.

This tool lists the tweets and color codes them – green for good sentiment, red for bad. This is beneficial because it allows you to see exactly how it is evaluating the posts. You are able to make positive changes to Twitter sentiment additionally it allows you to search for a particular date range. You can find this free tool at

It’s also an excellent program because then you can follow or answer pertinent tweets and use it to build your following and communicate online.

Social Mention

This particular program permits people to follow terms, or company names, to find out if they’re getting talked about over the internet. After that it rates the word by:

* Strength: the likelihood your brand has been talked about

* Sentiment: A ratio of positive to bad sentiment

* Passion: Measures the reality that individuals will look at your brand regularly

* Reach: Measures your range of impact.

It also lists distinctive authors, how long individuals mentioned the search term and top users. Like Twitter Sentiment, it lists the tweets that it used to create your data.


Twendz is a service that works like many of the other twitter sentiment analytical programs. It updates every minute and evaluates up to 70 tweets at a time. It looks for sentiment and tracks trends. They also have a We twendz pro service that watches, measures and evaluates strategic brand results.

Twitrratr (Pronounced Twitter Rater)

Twitrratr is a sentiment program too and it reduces the key word into:

* Positive

* Neutral

* Negative

* Total tweets.

Merely key in your search word and get your results. Just like the other tools, it provides the data it used to create the data. It is a terrific way to monitor your brand, keyword phrases and to see what people say about your topic. It is a good way to find other people to follow and friend.

Twitter sentiment can be helpful to observe how everyone is responding to your brand or your competition’s brand. It’s also an excellent research tool to discover what key phrases people use, and what they’re talking about in your industry. This information enables you to develop content and to help build your online community.

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How Helpful Is Using Facebook Ads?

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Do you think Facebook is raking in the cash on those ads on the right side of their website? Well, the odds are they are, but maybe not quite as much as people over at Google’s AdSense program.

There is a natural reason for the dichotomy. It’s not arguable that a lot of people would have an opportunity to see an ad on Facebook. More than 108 million people are now using the site every month, up from nearly 103 million people before all this happened on the way.

So, are Facebook ads ineffective? Certainly not. Well, don’t be too quick to take these results at face value. After all, it’s kind of like Google saying AdWords ads are more effective. It’s just not reliable.

Facebook quite often gets a really bad rap from the people who are pros in the marketing game. But why? As you tinker around and try to match your products perfect demographic target you will see that Facebook will give you an actual number on approximately how many people your targeting will reach.

What makes all the difference is whether or not the ads are cost effective for the company that uses them. Nice little targeting feature that I’m sure has Facebook affiliate marketers jumping for joy.

For example, if you have spent $50 on ads on Facebook and the return is a profit of $100, then you can suggest it was an effective advertisement. Seems like a great way to get a nice high ROI.

You can make your ads even more effective through the use of a few tricks and tools. Let’s look a few years down the line when half of the web is using Facebook connect. That’s a widget we all could use.

In order to see the results, you will have to track what happens over the course of several ad campaigns.

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I Saw Her Doing It On Facebook

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Communicating effectively with customers and delivering the right message to the right people has been one of the major challenges for any marketer since day one. Since early days of marketing, various forms of communication medium have been evolving with developments in technology as well as its consumers.

For a long time in the history of marketing communication, media remained the stronghold of newsmakers and advertisers and communication was mostly one way from the marketer to the reader.

However, the trend of this inequality of voice was broken with the advent of the Internet and further developments within that medium itself.

The basics of consumer behavior, learning, reference groups, and buying decisions have remained exactly the same. But what has changed significantly is the speed with which everything happens. Technology has brought down the barriers in global communication. Social networking sites, and more importantly the rising popularity of Facebook, bears a strong testimony to the growing power of the Internet as a mode of communication and a source of information.Before and After Facebook.Like we discussed, most of the learning before the proliferation of Facebook and social media happened through advertisements on television. During the days of conventional media dominance, marketing was driven by the power to broadcast. Marketing communication was primarily unidirectional through blaring advertisements and press releases.

But much before common users could take control of the content on the World Wide Web, the way we see it today, there was a time when content creation was the forte of those well-versed in HTML programming and web scripting languages. However, with the advent of services, such as blogs and social networking sites, the power of mass communication moved to the common user on the Internet.

The fact is that whether you are there on Facebook, it is very likely that someone or the other from your customer base may be making a mention about you. Your brand presence during such a situation is important to either thank the customer for any accolades or gracefully respond and address any grievances posted by the customers and win back their confidence in your brand.

Even before the first television spot or a newspaper advertisement goes live, any company serious about its brand spends a great deal of effort and money on gathering information and insight into what their customers really want and how they seek to accomplish those needs. A lot of money is spent on brand research that delves into the awareness levels of the brand vis-a-vis competition.

Today, brands – both big and small – have a presence on Facebook. Some of them use it with more innovation than the rest.

Brand Pitfalls on Facebook

Users on Facebook form fan pages and groups pertaining to their interests and form conversations around topics and brands of their interests. Here are some tips with how a new age brand manager can keep a tab and also build his brand on Facebook.

There have been instances where brand owners trying to enforce rules and guidelines of discussion on Facebook fan pages have faced the immediate wrath of users, which had an adverse impact on the brand.

Customer Insight… Really

Word of Caution – World of opportunity in Facebook

This information can be readily accessed freely floating on a social networking platform, such as Facebook. All the answers that a brand may want to seek are hidden in the conversations happening through wall comments, photographs, tags, fan pages, and many such avenues through the same platform of Facebook.

All of this information is first hand, with honest responses. Coming Face to Face With Customers.Users on Facebook form fan pages and groups pertaining to their interests and form conversations around topics and brands of their interests. Here are some tips with how a new age brand manager can keep a tab and also build his brand on Facebook.

Do not be a big brother – be a cheerful friend to your customers. The big brother attitude, which worked fine in traditional media, can kill your brand on Facebook. Any showdown of brand arrogance or one-upmanship is given a bitter response by its customers in the same medium. For a brand to succeed, it has to be a friend, who is fun to speak with.

Do not advertise, converse – Blatant advertising, or use of social networks for incessant spamming with interruptive advertising, is a sure recipe for disaster. You will find your brand page getting isolated on Facebook.

Create branded applications: Applications can range from entertaining games with your brand to useful tools related to your product.The possibilities provided by Facebook to reach out to customers are endless, and all of this can be done at minimal cost with maximum impact. But while doing all of this as a marketer, you need to remember that the customer and you are on a level playing field, with both having equal opportunity to express. The customer is free to share his positive as well as negative experiences with your brand, which can influence other customers watching your brand carefully.

This is where you need dedicated efforts of professionals who understand the dynamics of the medium, which is very different from what conventional media marketers are generally used to. Facebook can hence help you come face to face with your customers. It becomes extremely important for you to know how this medium and conversations should be managed.Get more information here for the best Facebook training available:

facebook,make money,marketing,social marketing, social networks

How To Make Money By Using Twitter Marketing?

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

The rise of the internet was phenomenal from the time it reached the public eye in the 1990s until now. With the rise of the internet, a change in the way we use marketing went along. New methods emerge almost monthly.

It is crucial for an online marketer to know which trend to follow and which not. This decision alone can decide whether a company will be a success or failure.

So what is the current trend in online marketing? It appears as if Twitter media marketing is gaining more and more popularity. Reasons for that are easy to find: It is free of charge, allows you to target a pretty specific audience and takes a short time to set up.

Let me start with the basics. What is twitter actually about?

Twitter is a site that people can go to in order to find out the latest trends about their friends, stars or business. In Web 2.0 language that is called social networking. Twitter is based on micro blogs that consist out of text messages. Due to that each and every message is limited to 140 characters. Twitter started out as a network for users to stay in touch with a bunch of their friends. Since it grew a lot bigger than that, Twitter went from a mostly cell based application to an internet focus service.

The rise of twitter went hand in hand with the increase in smart phone units sold, since it made accessing Twitter so much easier and opened the service up to everyone worldwide. The other aspect is the fact that a lot of celebrities provide their fans with frequent updates about their thoughts via this service.

So how does Twitter Marketing work?

Like in all marketing processes the first thing you have to do is research. Finding out whether the “stars” in your industry have a twitter account is one of the most important steps I can think of.

After the research part you start to follow the people that are following the people you made out as being in the same niche. Some of the people that you follow will follow you back, and some won’t. The once that do follow you back will receive your tweets from now on. The cool think about that is that you already know that those people are interested in your products, since they followed someone promoting something very similar already. This way the prospects aren’t cold, but warm.

Selling to this list shouldn’t be that hard anymore. After all you know that they are interested in your niche. And since this process is pretty easy and not very time consuming, it is easy to build a big list of followers.

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Twitter Marketing Strategies For Attracting New Clients

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

People get habituated to using twitter. They discuss personal as well as business things. They may discuss what they are currently doing. They would also talk about important matters of business. A lot of people tweet messages about whatever problem they are currently facing in their personal life.

A few others talk about goals and resolutions they are currently pursuing. All this gives you an opportunity to reach out to potential customers quickly and for free. Whatever niche you are in, you can grow your business using twitter.

Your first aim should be to build a huge list of followers on twitter. You will have a chance to market your products or services to these people. Here are some helpful tips to give you an idea how to attract a lot of followers in less time.

Be Practical While Setting Goals:

It is very unlikely that you will gain thousands of followers within few weeks of opening an account on twitter. So be patient and set realistic goals. Initially, go after easy goals. After achieving these, you can then aim for something higher.

For example, you can have an initial goal of getting at least 100 followers within a month. After deciding on a reasonable goal and setting deadline for it, now work really hard on achieving this goal.

Don’t worry too much at first about making sales or other such things. You can worry about them at a later stage. Right now, just give your full attention to achieve your initial goal of 100 followers within a month.

Give Away Something of Value:

While making tweets, provide valuable information for others. Offer them free tips, techniques and information related to your niche. Don’t just tweet about your products all the time.

A big mistake people make is that they will just tweet about their own articles or products. You should be willing to share articles and blog posts of others if you find them useful or informative. This way you will gain a lot of credibility. It is an easy way to gain a lot of loyal followers.

Use Relevant Keywords in Your Tweets:

An easy way to attract more readers is to include relevant keywords in your tweets. People search on twitter web site using keywords. They can find your tweet if it contains the keyword they used while searching. So, try to include the popular keywords related to your niche in your tweets.

You should include the important keywords in your tweets as well as profile pages. At the same time, try to make the profile pages interesting for the reader. This is tough to do as there is a limit on the number of words you can use. So you have to use your creativity here in order to make your profile interesting without using too many words.

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Google Buzz: It’s Easier To Use Than You May Think

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Google buzz is one of the newer social network websites today, and it’s quickly gaining popularity. Just one reason, obviously, would be the Google label that is attached to it. Nevertheless, it isn’t merely popular for this reason. There’s plenty of substance to support it.

Tips on how to access it?

It’s actually completely found in your Gmail account, and it’s free. You just need a Gmail account.

Who would benefit from utilizing it?

Anyone just looking to meet up with friends might use it. Nevertheless, it’s particularly effective for businesses.

It is inspired by Facebook, Twitter as well as other well-liked social sites, as it takes on aspects of each. For example, it allows you to add photos and videos. And you can easily have a conversation with additional users. All this enables you to give your business personality.

So how could your company reap the benefits of it? Allow me to share five reasons you might want to begin to use it:

#1) Post exactly where you are

One of several benefits of Google Buzz is that it works great with mobile devices. This permits you to post wherever you would like, quickly and easily.

The idea even has a attribute that permits you to speak into the cell phone, and this will automatically convert what you are saying into a post. Basically, you don’t even have to write. This solely works with certain programs, but it may be extremely convenient.

And you can allow other folks learn your location publishing from, if you would like. This can be useful if you wish to offer your threads a lot more personality.

#2) Convenient

It links with the more proven social websites. Therefore, you can view other people’s activity on Facebook and Twitter without even needing to leave Google Buzz. What this means is you can easily see other people’s tweets from the comfort of the Buzz platform.

#3) Portion your posts

Among the exclusive features concerning Google Buzz is that you can choose who you are posting to. For instance, you are able to just submit to a specific group of connections, or the entire Buzz network. All of it depends on who you want to observe your post.

This is especially helpful for businesses. In particular, when you have a listing of confirmed customers, you can do a write-up only they’re able to view. And you’ll next create a message for those who haven’t ordered from you yet. Consequently, you’ll be able to tailor your posts to your market, just like segmenting an email list.

#4) Blog compatible

You are able to link your Buzz account to your weblog. As a result, once you improve your blog, it’ll remodel your Buzz account. If you have lots of followers, this might result in a lot of cash provided you’ve got good blog articles.

#5) Filter

In case you are subscribing to others’ RSS feeds, the Buzz includes a filter that removes posts that would not represent interest for your requirements. You just notify it what to block. This saves you time, mainly because you no longer need to sort through numerous posts you do not care about.

The bottom line is, you’d be wise to utilize Google Buzz, since it gives your company character. Although it will require time and effort, the Buzz can be be extremely successful for you.

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Practices That Have Been Proven Effective At Building Cash Online

Monday, September 13th, 2010

As for averages it is not a walk in the part to build cash online. The trick is to work hard. This may not be considered a trick by most people. It is the best one in your arsenal to use when you need it.

Before you do anything you need to set aside some time to come up with a detailed timeline of how things are going to work. You will be miles ahead of the competition doing something like this.

The map will be able to explain precisely how someone would go about doing something like this. Lingo like this can not be toned out. This type of stuff can save your life in this type of world that we are living in.

In my opinion the most significant factor in your online internet company life is relationship building. You have to be able to build strong relationships with the people that you come in contact with. Often times you have to sell on both you and the content that you provide them with online.

Taking your earnings to a higher plateau involves being committed to the plans already previously laid out. From there you can just go with the flow kicking things into the next gear. For some that may not be too far from the one they are on right at the moment.

For all intensive purposes you are not the head of the company. I know that sucks but everyone who has ever got anywhere in life has been right where you are. You have to over come these challenges to rise to the top of the chain.

The third biggest thing to take into consideration is the volatility of the niche you are selecting. Some niches can be what are referred to as fad niches that are only popular for short time periods.

The greatest kind of topics are all year round topics. They are popular from the start of every single year to the end of every single year. They do not fluctuate with the seasons of the year and remain a mainstream for the entire length of the calender.

In a cyclic niche you will find that you profit about 4 times as much due to the year round business that you recieve. Perhaps the best one of these examples to get into is website building.

Blogging is low and behold the most efficient way of getting it done as they say in the online arena. Most of all you can loan adverts space on your blog for good sums of monthly and yearly cash revenue.

You will never find another stress free plan like this that works even while you are napping. It also works while you are at your day job. Nothing is better than this type of income.

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How To Create An Excellent Brochure Design

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

There are all sorts of different tools that you might want to incorporate into your marketing plan when you are promoting your business and your products and services. One such tool available would be the idea of creating brochures, but this will simply be a waste of money unless you create something that is interesting that stands out. As such, consider a few of these basic tips on brochure design.

Of course, you need to start off by planning the brochure properly. You need to know exactly who you are trying to target when you plan your brochure and you need to figure out whether or not it will be used alongside other marketing materials such as adverts or catalogues as well.

Try to fiddle around with the different shapes on offer when you design your brochure. It is necessary for you to simply go down the traditional route of using a standard A4 shape or something similar. Instead, look for other options available to you as a brochure design that incorporates a more interesting shape might be more eye-catching.

Of course, it will start off with the cover and therefore this needs to be catchy. It is important that you convey your message on the front of the cover in a professional fashion so that people are more likely to pick it up and look inside.

Of course, once they do open up a brochure it is important that you supply them with quality content and information that is easy to digest. Make sure that the content of your brochure design is not overpowering and confusing and incorporate signposts to help people navigate around it.

Visualize as much as you can within the brochure design as well. Add any images and pictures to any of the content that you use if it is applicable.

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