Posts Tagged ‘Facebook Marketing’

Facebook And Marketing

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Facebook started out with an underestimated concept that no one has any faith in. Flash forward a few years and Facebook now has over 400 million users registered. One fourth of these users live in the United States. This proportion of users gives budding entrepreneurs a good opportunity to promote their products. Using Facebook as a marketing tool may seem a little odd, but if it is carried out correctly, it can be very beneficial.

Facebook is the second most visited site on the internet. That places it just before Google. However, many people have not considered Facebook for marketing use. This is because people still tend to view it as a place for socializing.

Many people tend to overlook Facebook for marketing. People tend to refrain from mixing their personal lives and their business lives and they feel that using Facebook for marketing is stepping over this line. The first instinct for people is to create a second account, but Facebook will not allow a user to do so.

The social networking site has a feature that allows its users to create a Facebook page. The creation of this page will allow a user to use Facebook for business and marketing purposes and it will result in minimal disruption of its social purposes.

Once the Facebook page has been created, you can begin promoting it to your friends and other users. Also, you can invite other users to become fans of the page. When someone becomes a fan, it is not the same thing as becoming a friend. You will not receive updates from them and they will only receive updates that pertain to the page. However, if they do become a friend, your page will be promoted to their friends, bringing more traffic to your page.

One mistake that people make is creating one Facebook page to promote all of their products. This is something that you should not do. This will create confusion and drive away people that are interested in what you have to offer.

A Facebook page allows you to do much more with it than just throw up some text. In addition to words, you can also add images and videos. You may also include a discussion board. There are also many other applications that you can use to enhance you page.

Facebook is great for socializing with friends, but it is just as good for promotion and marketing. A good entrepreneur would take advantages of these opportunities as soon as possible.

The writer has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website about fiber optic audio cable that discusses everything you need to know before buying fiber optic audio cable

Get Traffic 3.0 With Jonathan Budd And The Best Traffic Trends

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Literally this addresses one of the biggest problems facing the home based business industry today, that of getting traffic for their business. Mr. Jonathan Budd has once again addressed this very issue in his new course Get Traffic 3.0.

Now, there have been other get traffic courses out there in the home business and internet marketing industry, but the vast majority of them have focused on Google and how to either buy traffic from Google, or perform search engine optimization and get organic free traffic from it.

Interestingly enough, Get Traffic 3.0 isn’t just another rehashed product released into the MLM industry, but deals with some cutting edge stuff and the trends on where people are spending their time online these days. Much more so increasingly on the #1 social media site, Facebook. [youtube:pjf5NmS3NEk?fs=1;[link:Get Traffic 3.0|Get Traffic 3.0 Review];]

The fact that as of October 2010, Facebook, according to, the #2 most trafficked website in the world. And this is up dramatically in the last year or so, with over 500 million users.

Even more important is the fact that people spend hours upon hours on Facebook, vs. just a quick search on search engines.

In Get Traffic 3.0, one of the key issues that is addressed is how to use Facebook PPC to get in front of all of those people who are spending all of that time on that site. Quite literally, their pay per click marketing platform is simply in its infancy right now and will only continue to grow.

Get Traffic 3.0 will also go into how to be a micro-celebrity and also go into how to utilize free marketing on Facebook with fanpages and have that help you build your email marketing list.

If you’d like to learn more about exactly how to really dominate Facebook and generate leads from the hottest social media platform on the planet, click the link below right now for more information:

Read this more in-depth Get Traffic 3.0 Review or go here to get your free info on how to dominate Facebook with internet methods and use it to generate endless cheap leads, at Get Traffic 3.0

Get Traffic 3.0 Reviews And Bonuses

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

I have gathered a lot of information on the get traffic 3.0 bonuses. Here is a list of who is offering what kind of bonuses, how much the costumers are receiving in return, where you can get the best value and which ones to avoid.

Bad Bonuses

In the past, I was an affiliate for a few products. I went for bonuses like free i pods and computers; things that never helped my business. To take your bonus offers to the next level you need to go for bonuses that are more valuable such as free software, free coaching, extra traffic sources, profit formulas, etc.

It’s with these items that you can go obtain the next level, not laptops. I know that you are thinking that hardware will help your business just as much as software, but please trust me. I have received computers from bonuses and it didn’t take long for me to realize that the free training on marketing, monetizing, list building, traffic secrets, lead generation, etc are worth so much more.

Good Bonuses

A while ago I received free coaching from Jonathan’s Coaching Courses from Get Traffic 3.0. Jay Crew was my personal trainer and the information he gave me helped me leave my day job and work at home full time. I can finally be my own boss thanks to their support and knowledge. If there is an option for you to receive coaching or one-on-one training from someone like Jay Crew, go for it. It’s this type of invaluable information that you really need.

Have you thought about what your business really does? Do you really know where your business is going? How are you going to get there? Whatever you answer, you will most likely know that to get what you want you will need more traffic, more leads, more growth and (of course) more money.

How do you get that? Do you think that marketers that make 6 and 7 figures get it with free computers? With this review I am only trying to share my experience and help you to make the right choices when deciding which bonuses to go with from Get Traffic 3.0.

The Details of “Get Traffic 3.0”

Are you still unsure as to what Get Traffic 3.0 really does? Well, it is a complete and advanced marketing course conveniently hosted through Facebook. A while ago, Google put a stop to all ‘work at home’ advertisements which caused marketers to lose 50% – 80% of their traffic stream. You can imagine how devastating that was.

Get Traffic 3.0 can also be considered the story of Jonathan Budd. How did a home based marketer, who lost his traffic share to Google actually devised his own solution? I have seen a preview of his product and I am really excited as to how it poses a direct challenge to Google in the advertising space.

I would not miss this product for anything and I will buy it. This product also offers web traffic solutions and discusses Facebook strategies, how to use the tools that Facebook provides for better benefits, how to create Facebook Ads that actually work and to sum it all: a result oriented complete Facebook coaching package is offered here.

Facebook is the place to advertise and it pays to learn more about how to advertise on there. Get Traffic 3.0 has the best bonuses online. Personally speaking, I believe that Jay Crew and Glen McNeil have come up with a coaching and product offer that cannot be beaten by anyone. It is the best deal you can get online.

Monetize Get Traffic 3.0 than with Jonathan Budd’s business partner teaching everything he knows about Get Traffic 3.0. There are over $2,500 in FREE bonuses to monetize the the product. Get Them today before the class fills up.

Top 3 Reasons To Spend More Time In Facebook

Friday, October 8th, 2010

With 500 MILLION facebook accounts out there, you’ve got blinders on if you believe your potential or existing customers and clients do not use facebook. And, just because you have a facebook account, doesn’t mean you’re really using facebook to it’s potential. Isn’t it time you sink your teeth into the most important innovation of our time for doing business today?

Start logging into your facebook account to take advantage of these three main benefits:

1. More website traffic. Okay, there’s no surprise here that I’d mention that. But, what I see people overlooking is that fact that you can get extremely targeted and qualified and ongoing traffic from facebook, using all the other resources, blogs and websites you work with. You will be amazed at the percentage of visitors you’ll get from facebook when you look at your visitation statistics. Google Analytics is my favorite no cost system for watching my traffic.

2. Exceed your own expectations of how participating in facebook can help your business grow. I’m always asked “How do you ever find the time to do all that facebook stuff?” When facebook becomes one of your primary marketing components, you’ll just snicker at yourself for thinking like the majority that social networking is just a waste of time.

3. Appear human. That’s where all those what I ate for breakfast posts come from. I had to get this one out of the way early because it was nagging at me. People are always saying how they just can’t get into social networking because “I just can’t stand the idea of telling people what I had for breakfast! I mean, who cares?!” And, of course, there is the “You’d never believe what my cat is doing!” Who cares again?

Login to facebook daily at least 3 times a day for two weeks. You’ll start to see how facebook can generate all the leads and sales you want for your business.

Want all 95 reasons to login to facebook more than 3 times a day? Go to my Facebook Login for the free 17-page whitepaper.

Using Social Networking In Your Business

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Since there is so much interest in social networking, I thought I would share some information with you. Below is a great list of ideas to promote your business using social networking:

Limit yourself to 3 choices

How many social networking sites are out there?

There are too many, in fact, we have lost count of them because there are so many.

While you are free to join as many as you want, you may really want to limit your options to the top 3 in order to get the most effective use of your time and energy. While this rule may be reconsidered if your goal is to drive as much traffic as possible to your landing page, or search for niche specific customers, we recommend the following three networking sites to appeal to all businesses and professions:

1. Digg

2. Facebook

3. Digg.

Make us of their applications or plug-ins

Most Social networking sites come with exclusive plug-ins and applications. You need to take advantage of these and utilize them for your own professional and personal purposes.

For example: Facebok allows you to integrate with twitter into your profile. This is very advantageous to you because there could be people on your facebook that are not subscribed to Twitter and they can see your short message without you having to post the same message twice. Digg also allows you to immediately upload and share stories by adding one button to your blog, another time saving tool that can increase the overall value of a single effort.

Be very friendly

This includes one forgotten rule of salesmanship, be human. Make sure that you are sensitive to people’s feelings, give them a chance to interact with you by asking them about their posts or answering a question of theirs even if they are not related to your particular business.

Don’t be stiff or business like and avoid coming out like a salesman. Most of all, do not spend all of your time just promoting yourself or products or your followers can become bored with you. I cannot emphasize this enough! Most people want interaction and information. While they may not be seeking the products or services you provide, they will learn that you are a person to be respected and when they are finally seeking your product, they will find you are the expert they are searching for.

Consider your landing pages

We’ve talked about Landing Pages for quite a while and I still consider them to be one of your best tools on social networking websites. When you’re simply using Facebook or Twitter for the sole purpose of meeting and making friends, while that is still very important, you’re defeating the purpose of building a social networking campaign. The ultimate goal is conversion and having a well designed landing page for your web-presence is like having a skilled receptionist in your office. It will take care of your customers wants and needs, even when you’re not available to help them directly.

You have to make sure that first your landing page is working effectively and is able to communicate clearly and efficiently. Think about it in terms of having that secretary or receptionist I mentioned earlier. Would you hire a receptionist who was rude, un-attentive or incapable of answering the questions posed by your customers? Would you employ an auto-mechanic to answer technical support calls for a computer software and information technology company? No. Then why would you permit this kind of behavior from your landing page?

Fortunately, offers an array of designs which you can conveniently modify to fit your needs, whatever your business profile may be. You can also keep track on your campaigns to determine which of your marketing effort are providing the bulk of your traffic and utilize your time to focus on those areas.

Think about your business profile

Upload a picture! It doesn’t have to be a picture of your smiling face if that doesn’t appeal to you but it should be a picture which represents you and your personality or your niche or business, such as your company logo.

Some people will use pictures of their children while others will use their pets. That is a great idea. It shows that you are human and might provide of opportunity with others that have similar interests. If you upload a picture of your dalmatian, you could possible find people that have barely spoken to you in the past and are now offering a new relationship because it just so happens that they have a dalmatian also.

Let your bio, user name, posts, and any other interest groups you select be a reflection of who you are as well as your business. Make a clear distinction between your personal and professional information, and be certain before you post a personal comment that it will not reflect badly on your business.

Accept all opportunities you come across to direct your followers to your landing page, without overwhelming them.

Utilize all aspects of social marketing by directing your traffic to your landing page. Before creating your landing page, check out

Brand Yourself On Facebook

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

A lot of people are now using the social giant Facebook to market their business, it used to my MySpace that was used but that is quickly becoming a thing of the past. The fact that Facebook has over 200 million users now from across the globe makes it a very appealing platform to market on. It is true though that a large percentage of those making us of Facebook for their marketing purposes are doing it wrong and are just blatant spam idiots. You know the sort of thing I mean, every time you log in you either see a news feed from them or there’s an email waiting for you in your inbox urging you to join their ‘fantastic, best thing since sliced bread, make a million bucks in 2 weeks’ business opportunity.

If we know how to do it properly then we can use Facebook as an effective marketing platform. Use Facebook to connect with people, develop good solid relationships, that’s what it’s all about. There is a right time for revealing our business to people and it should happen in the natural path of relationship building.

Lets look briefly at the strategy, here are 6 steps that you can take to effectively market on Facebook,

1) Create your profile focused around you so that people can learn about you and relate to you, pictures work great, make sure you always look happy :). It should all be about YOU and not just a blatant business pitch

2) Start searching for groups relevant to your market and start adding friends. Be intelligent about it and find groups other than the ‘online business’ crowd.

3) Start searching for groups to join in your niche market. Most group owners will allow you to post on the wall so you could post some useful information to the wall. Often I will let groups know about new content that I have written or post videos, people get useful information from it and it encourages them to subscribe to my list and eventually some then go on to join my business.

4) Think about starting your own FB group that is of relevance to your target audience. By regularly sending out invitations you can grow your group. It is very similar to building a list.

5) Try putting your content on your friends walls and also to your own. By doing this your material can be seen by way more folks. Again remember not to abuse this by spamming with your business opportunity, the end result of that will be that your ‘friend’ will delete you most likely.

6) Create a personal video greeting to your new Facebook friends and tag them to the video. This is a VERY powerful Facebook marketing strategy and not many people are doing it.

When you know how to do it right FaceBook is a very effective marketing tool.

To become an effective Facebook marketer and get 20+ free leads a day you will need to learn the Facebook marketing strategies. You can learn the secrets today of marketing on facebook by watching this pre recorded webinar which will walk you through the whole strategy. Click the link for access or visit my MLM marketing secrets blog.

Social Marketing Is In The Business Of Change

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Social marketing is becoming much more popular because of the popular social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. You can use a social market to get people to visit your website and it is an extension of your corporate brand.

Social marketing is in the business of change, whether it is behavioral change or attitude change, social marketing can also be described as the field for social change. In today’s world, who holds more influence to create these changes, a journalist, advertiser or a social marketer?

Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing, along with other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good. It can be applied to promote merit goods, or to make a society avoid demerit goods and thus to promote society’s well being as a whole.

Social marketing is important because users take social networks seriously. It is whenever more than two individuals collaborate online or offline for content generation and distribution and harnesses the viral power of social networks in order to grow both the frequency and the reach of conversations exponentially.

Social marketing is maturing to the point where the mainstream is now transitioning from the trial and error tactical phase of the learning curve to the strategic phase. Marketers are learning to begin their social marketing initiatives by researching the medium and monitoring target audiences to determine realistic objectives.

Social marketing is a popular approach. But will it do the trick? Social marketing is not always a success. If the attitudes and behavior changes you are encouraging are still not perceived as beneficial, acceptable and attainable by the priority population, it may not be worthwhile to develop a social marketing campaign at this time. Social marketing is all about trust and for it to be effective, consumers not only have to trust the brand, but social media as whole.

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Discussing The Efficiency Of Facebook Ads

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Many often ask do Facebook ads work. Well, yes they do get a few clicks but if asked do they get as many clicks Google AdWords, that answer would be no.

Facebook ads just so happen to catch someone’s eye while they are surfing their page, not because they plan on buying your product or service. However on Google, folks are looking for whatever product or service you have to offer. After all that is probably they started searching the net anyway.

But this doesn’t mean that Facebook ads don’t work, it just means that whatever you are advertising needs a lot exposure before it will get successful clicks. Your Facebook ads don’t generate profit from the click rates; they are based on the profits your advertisement brings it.

If you just so happen to be paying for advertising per click, then this shouldn’t be a problem for you. As long as money is being made, that’s all that matters. Some marketers review their ad campaigns by the number of people who click on their advertisement.

To determine if an ad is working, check your sales date for how much you are making against the actual cost of advertising. This is easier if you are selling a product.

If you are doubling the money you spent in advertising or getting just a little more than you spent, than you can say that it was effective. But it’s up to you to decide whether or not the money spent and made was worth the effort.

To improve the performance of your Facebook ad is to compare the results from different ads and use the ones that produce the highest profit.

You will need to run different ads and compare the results of those to see which one is more effective.

Access various other articles by this writer regarding topics including Expo dry erase marker and gel pen.

People Stay Online All The Time – How To Market To Them

Monday, September 20th, 2010

When used strategically, Twitter can be an invaluable tool for networking, information filtering, tapping into a human search engine and for reaching your target groups. Learn how this new feature can help in marketing your company and assist you in building a community of followers that can help in the growth of your business.

People stay online all the time on social networking sites for their business purpose like marketing any product or information. Also it helps keep you in touch with friends and relatives or even for entertainment purpose. It is primarily being used to provide subscribers with information on service and product offerings but it has also been particularly useful in building a loyal customer base.

Today, more and more online business owners are turning to email marketing as their primary means to generate sales and leads, not only because the results are easily tracked but also because it is an inexpensive platform to market services on a large scale. You meet individuals and get to know them by sharing knowledge about each other. Those you like and/or share interests with become part of your “network”. The marketing magic kicks in when those in your network start chatting about you.

Social marketing is all about harnessing cutting-edge technology to the advantage of both the brand and the customer. Competition is steep as more and more brands adopt social marketing strategies with companies hoping to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Websites such as Facebook and MySpace are excellent to find consumers based on the locality. You can find both sellers and buyers via these social networking websites. Times have changed and its actually harder for a marketer to get the consumer to his account manager, so it’s time for you to go to your customers online comfort zone like Facebook, blogs, Twitter, Linkedin.

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categories: social,marketing,facebook,twitter,online marketing,social marketing,internet

How Helpful Is Using Facebook Ads?

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Do you think Facebook is raking in the cash on those ads on the right side of their website? Well, the odds are they are, but maybe not quite as much as people over at Google’s AdSense program.

There is a natural reason for the dichotomy. It’s not arguable that a lot of people would have an opportunity to see an ad on Facebook. More than 108 million people are now using the site every month, up from nearly 103 million people before all this happened on the way.

So, are Facebook ads ineffective? Certainly not. Well, don’t be too quick to take these results at face value. After all, it’s kind of like Google saying AdWords ads are more effective. It’s just not reliable.

Facebook quite often gets a really bad rap from the people who are pros in the marketing game. But why? As you tinker around and try to match your products perfect demographic target you will see that Facebook will give you an actual number on approximately how many people your targeting will reach.

What makes all the difference is whether or not the ads are cost effective for the company that uses them. Nice little targeting feature that I’m sure has Facebook affiliate marketers jumping for joy.

For example, if you have spent $50 on ads on Facebook and the return is a profit of $100, then you can suggest it was an effective advertisement. Seems like a great way to get a nice high ROI.

You can make your ads even more effective through the use of a few tricks and tools. Let’s look a few years down the line when half of the web is using Facebook connect. That’s a widget we all could use.

In order to see the results, you will have to track what happens over the course of several ad campaigns.

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