Posts Tagged ‘free traffic system’

Marketing On Twitter – Is It A Great Way To Grow Your List?

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

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Anxious to step up my product sales, I went ahead and started Twitter marketing to build a big list of followers hoping to turn them into customers. I enlisted in programs that promised to get me followers on Twitter and paid for software tools to help advertise my products. In all, I think I invested in about 8 software programs to help with my Twitter marketing efforts.

Like many of you, when all the tools came out to help folks build a huge Twitter following that you could promote to, I decided to try it out. The effects of Free Traffic System, not only on you but many others, is a fact that has to be acknowledged. No one really can effectively address all the different circumstances that could arise with this particular topic. That is really a lot when you think about it, so just the briefest instant to mention something. We are highly certain about the ability of what we offer, today, to create a difference. The last outstanding areas for conversation may be even more important. I enlisted in programs that promised to get me followers on Twitter and bought software tools to help publicize my products. By the time I’d finished, I’d invested in something like eight programs to do some of the grunt work involved in Twitter marketing.

Okay, here are my results: Applying this strategy over three years led to nearly ten thousand people following me on Twitter. You’d probably be really happy to have that number of followers, but there’s more to come. In the same 3 year period, my Twitter account collected at least 15,000 blog posts that had links to my affiliate advertisements. And that was the only advertising that I did for that blog, I chose not to even ping the posts to see just what Twitter could do for me. Well, you can’t say that 3 years isn’t long enough to obtain good results but using Twitter I just got 2 – 4 visitors daily to my blog. My affiliate earnings from 2 transactions was $47 and to that you can add $8.65 Adsense revenue – very dismal all around!

Despite me making use of tools to make the job easier and gaining nearly 10,000 followers on Twitter, I still could not turn a realistic profit using Twitter marketing for my blog. At the end of the day I’m now out of money for the Twitter tools I paid for because my dollar return was so dismal. So from my point of view, although there may be good ways to advertise on Twitter, using the automatic software are not the way to go.

Even with about 10,000 Twitter followers and using software automation, it seems that this is not enough to generate money marketing with Twitter. The bottom line is that the money I’ve pulled in is not enough to cover the cost of the Twitter software I purchased to start with. Finally, I cannot personally recommend using automatic software tools as a profitable method of promoting on Twitter.

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