Posts Tagged ‘humour’

The Funniest Facebook Fails

Monday, December 26th, 2011

It is fair to say that some people really should not be allowed to use social network sites. After all, it’s embarrassing enough when you make a mistake without every one of your family friends seeing it too! So from minor personal mishaps to larger corporate misjudgements, here are a few examples of Facebook fails.

Things your friends should never read

We’ve all been there. Whether a little bit tipsy or just plain stupid, we’ve all updated our status with something we will most likely regret later. From accidentally announcing the time of a secret surprise party to sharing with everyone some rather personal and explicit details, we thank goodness sometimes that there’s a ‘Delete’ button.

Things your parents should never read

Ah, the awkward moment when you realise you forgot that your parents are also on Facebook. But even if YOU manage to remember, sometimes your friends don’t. Really feel for the sons and daughters out there who have had to explain what MILF stands for, or any one of the many innuendos we really wouldn’t want our parents to read!

Things your boss should never read

When Facebook started out, it’s fair to say many of us didn’t really understand who could and could not read our statuses, or even gave a second thought that there could be repercussions. A famous example of this ignorance is of the girl who after slating her job and referring to her boss as a ‘perve’ shortly received a reply from said employer informing her that her p45 was now in the post. Ooops.

Things your consumers should never read

Despite the hundreds of thousands of pounds big corporations put into their advertising campaigns, sometimes they still manage to get it wrong. As part of a new online campaign, Dr Pepper made an almighty blunder when on their Facebook page they made reference to a pornographic film. Needless to say the complaints came rolling in, especially from one mum who found her daughter Googling the rude reference. Bring a whole new meaning to ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’

Be sure to check out this awesome Facebook t shirt.

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