Posts Tagged ‘making money’

Advertising Using Twitter

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

There are lots of ways to make a little extra money on the internet but here is a way to do it using one of the main social networking sites: Twitter. Many people nowadays have twitter accounts like companies, regular people, and even celebrities. Similar to Facebook, Twitter allows you to socialize with different people and also play to specific audience. Below are three sites that I use and know they work, although there are tons more out there. is one of sites that I use. It is beneficial to people who have a regular Twitter account. You can either tweet ads and get paid for simply tweeting them for people or you can be an Advertiser and get other people to tweet about your product. You get a chance to make bids as to when your ad will be shown. For the Tweeters you don’t even have to worry about setting how much to make off the ads the system will set it for you, and it is based off your amount of followers and the quality of your tweets.

Sponsored Tweets is another one I use. You must have a twitter account for this one too. If you are a Tweeter then you have control over how much you should get paid per tweet, and some tweets are actually paid if people click on them. Sponsored Tweets will show you what they approximate you should charge for each tweet, but don’t worry you still have control over what you want to charge for each tweet. If you are an Advertiser this is another option for you to get your product, service, or company advertised. And with this site the Tweeter can actually reword the ads so it sounds more like them, which could potentially attract more people.

Magpie is another option. For tweeters, Magpie allow you to pick and choose which ads you would like to show and like Sponsored Tweets it allows you the option of rewriting the tweets to sound more natural. This is also a way for Advertisers to get out whatever they are trying to advertise in various ways because it can be reworded, however it awaits your approval. So if you find that a person changed the wording and you don’t like it you can deny it, but if you do like it you have gotten whatever you are advertising out in a different method.

Here are at least three easy ways to make money and all you need is a Twitter account. For Advertisers this is a way to advertise for your company, product or service. It doesn’t matter if you are simply trying to advertise or just make a little extra money, check out these sites. Don’t miss out! Just click at the bottom of the page.

To sign up its really easy, for click here. For Sponsored Tweets or Magpie simply click here.

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