Posts Tagged ‘search’

The Advantages Of Google Video Sitemaps For Video Marketing

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Most people from all walks of life these days spend at least a portion of their day on the Internet. They are typically looking for information or looking to buy something that they need or want. Marketing becomes very important if you have something to offer in the way of goods or services. Drawing attention to your product can be impossible at best if you don’t manage to land on the first page of the search results. Using Google video sitemaps for video SEO allows you to place a video in your search results with a thumbnail picture in the description.[youtube:kks0wPkX12I?fs=1;[link:How To Create A Google Video Sitemap – Tutorial];]

Every effort must be made to draw as much attention to your offering so that the consumer gets the chance to see what you have to offer. With the current habits of the average consumer as they are, you must land on the first page of the search results for them to even give you a fleeting glance. If you were to present a thumbnail photo of your product or service your chances of being seen are very good. The user can quickly see what they want and click through.

Grab the eye of today’s consumers by creating a video to go with your product or service and place it within the description so the thumbnail will appear in the search results. The new Google possibilities will work to the advantage of sellers and publishers.

The thumbnail will be placed on the left side of the listing and the text to the right with the description in text. This is a great way to capture the attention of those scanning search results pages because the eye naturally roves toward the images versus the plain text of other listings.

Research done on eye scanning patterns shows that the typical human eye will automatically go to the upper left corner of a page first. Then the scan goes down from top to bottom and then left to right. This is the case in a typical results page with primarily text descriptions on the page.

A thumbnail of your video added to the search description will make the eye gravitate toward your listing. When the human eye locates an interesting object, the user then goes to the description located in text to the right.

The human eye is automatically and subconsciously drawn to pictures. The brain then kicks in and does a scan for the desired object of the search. If there is a thumbnail that is relevant to the search, the user can click on that page and view the attached video. The idea behind video sitemaps is to bring that next level of attention grabbing material to the Google search pages. Your products will stand out and capture the natural flow of sight and page scanning.

If searchability is one of the most significant ways to draw a consumer to the desired page, then the Google Video Sitemaps for Video SEO may hold the keys to the kingdom. The video index system that Google is building will integrate the videos and their thumbnails into ordinary everyday Google searches.

Video Sitemaps can help to improve your marketing revenues for an online business. With VSEO, also known as video SEO, you enhance your page rankings, your traffic, and your video views.

categories: SEO,optimization,search,video,multimedia,streaming,technology,google,promotion,marketing,business,internet,general,www

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