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Facebook And How To Market Successfully

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Facebook as you already know is one of the main marketing tools that is used by online marketers. However, if you check out any “MLM” or “work from home” group on Facebook, all you see is sales pitch after sales pitch. And this is the problem. All people focus on when trying to market on Facebook is trying to get as many people as possible to see their “business opportunity”, right? And to nearly every single person that reads this article won’t see a problem with that. But give me a minute to make you see it in a different prospective.

So you have joined a new online program that you are very excited about and are keen to get started. One of the first marketing tools that you are going to use is Facebook as with good reason. Facebook is a very powerful marketing tool, but only for a few and this is because most use it wrong. You have added friends from ‘home based business’ groups and ‘make money online’ groups and are ready to promote. Everyone in your friends list is a marketer too so they are looking to make money online as well.

Getting these online marketers that are already advertising on Facebook with their own “business opportunity” to quit just to join yours is very very unlikely and this is why.

Other online marketers that are promoting their business opportunity have spent time and money trying to build their downline. You showing up on their Facebook profile with your business opportunity is not going to interest them at all. You will just get a message back hearing about what they have to offer. It is absolutely critical towards your success with Facebook that you can see this happening and are willing to change your marketing techniques. How many people have joined your business with your current Facebook marketing ideas?

OK, lets find out how to turn your Facebook marketing issues around. But before I go any further, I want to make sure that your mindset is available for change. If you have been marketing on Facebook for a while, you are probably set in your ways. If you aren’t willing to change your ways, don’t bother to read on. To the rest, lets go!

What you need to be able to use the right techniques when marketing on Facebook is a blog or website. If you don’t or can’t have a website of your own, you will need to be part of a team with a website. You see ads everywhere on Facebook with referral links at the bottom and do they interest you in the slightest? I bet you answered no and it’s no surprise. You don’t want to hear about their opportunity and they couldn’t care less about yours.

Your website or blog are your references to people when marketing on Facebook. People don’t join referral links, they join leaders and teams. Promoting a website or blog is much more powerful than a referral link. When advertising your blog or website give them something to click to without it being your business opportunity. For example, if you had some free information about marketing on Twitter, don’t post an ad like this: “Make $ like never before!” with your referral link attached. Instead post something like this:

“Hello everyone! I have just found out how the top guys use Twitter to successfully recruit into there businesses and it’s actually working! You have to read this article, now!”

(your website or blog URL)

As you can see above, a lot more people would click through to your website than a referral link. The key is to be different. Make sure that you stand out in the sea of advertising. Whilst everyone else is advertising all over these pages, you stand out by offering these other fellow marketers a solution to their Twitter marketing strategies. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. There are plenty of Twitter marketing articles out there which you are allowed to have on your site. But you can have a video of you and your opportunity when they first visit which has great potential to be watched.

I hope that you are able to see the value in what I have shared with you today and also that you don’t stay lazy with your Facebook marketing techniques. Anyone can throw a referral link on Facebook, but only dedicated and smart people offer value and stand out from the crowd. Your referral link is your enemy and once the mindset of this sinks in your online marketing will grow.

This technique to market on Facebook is just one marketing strategy that my team uses with AshMax. If you would like to know more about this MLM, check out my AshMax review.

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