Posts Tagged ‘video creation’

3 Tips To Making the Perfect Video

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Today I want to cover only a few tips that I have come accross to creating the ideal video. I am certain you have seen those video’s where folk just ramble on and on and never really get to the point.

Now if you're living in the current day's age you know that dull LONG videos simply Don't work and why don’t they work? Well people have the concentration span of 1.5 seconds and you have only that long to grab their attention.

You do not wish to be that guy/girl that turns on your camera and 15 minutes later you're still rambling on about something that irrelavant.

There is a reason explaining why commercials are 30 seconds in length and even then we protest about how long commercials are when were watching our favorite show.

So here we go here are simply a few pointers that may help you keep on track when making your first video particularly if you pick up the all in one Easy Video Suite selling portal.

The Ideal Video Formula:

1. Tell them what You Got: The very first thing you would like to do is tell your audience what you're offering or what the point of the video is.

That way they know what can be expected and if it's something cool you quickly grab their attention.

2. Tell them what it can do for them: The very next thing you want to do is tell folk what your ‘thing ‘ you simply told them about can do for them. This not only further grabs their attention but you are covering the W.I.I.F.M syndrome. And that is What's in it for me? You have got to assume the average person is watching your video for one reason only and that is to discover what they can get out of it.

Whether that’s a giggle, a free product, a solution to their problem or answer to their question.

3. Tell them what to try next. A video is not complete without a call to action. You should usually have a call to action and not just cut the video off all of a sudden.

Tell your audience what exactly you need them to do i.e “click the link below” visit this website” “share this video” etc you get the point. Always end your videos with what you need your audience to do so they are able to further engage with your message.

That is just about it this simple 3 step formula will help you stay on track each time and hinder you from rambling on for minutes on end.

If you want a complete Video promoting solution I strongly recommend visiting my Easy Video Suite Review Blog and read my Easy Video Suite Review. This is definitely going to massively change the arena of video promoting.

The impact of viral videos

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

There are so many opportunities to be had when it comes to online video production and it’s amazing what an affect video production online can have on businesses. Video production companies who create these videos as well as the businesses using them are only really just realising the impact of online video advertising. But because video advertising can have such a massive impact and they can reach so many people, companies are starting to see their advertising potential.

These sorts of videos can easily go viral. ‘Viral’ is a term that refers to the way in which people share videos over the internet; therefore making them hugely popular. People will normally use social media sites in order to share these videos and businesses have started to see how this can benefit them.

A professional video production company will know the best way to make a video become viral and it is their special knowledge in these techniques that can produce some fantastic results.

One technique that is often used to make a video go viral is to make the video funny. Humour always creates a great reaction in viewers and this makes it more likely that they will share the source of this humour; by passing the video on. Humour isn’t the only technique used to make a video go viral; there are other techniques used in this form of advertising.

Some people who have featured in such viral videos have gone on to become minor celebrities and this just shows how powerful this method of marketing can be. This isn’t the only impact of viral video production as people constantly find new ways of using them; for promoting bands, educational purposes and for political purposes.

Whatever the reason, viral videos can have a huge impact on a company and this is why video advertising has started to play such a huge part in many businesses marketing strategies.

Wooshii provide access to thousands of Video Production creatives that can help with Viral Advertising

Some Brief Benefits Of Video Marketing

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Over the last few years video marketing has become one of the most important marketing methods for Internet marketers. There are so many benefits of creating videos in order to drive traffic to your website, so let’s just consider a few of these now.

One of the most obvious benefits is the fact that you can attract an enormous audience through your videos. Millions of people all over the world spend hours of their time watching random videos, and in addition to this it is a lot easier to watch a video then read a web page. As such, you can attract many more people through the use of your videos then you would simply by writing content.

Videos are also extremely search engine optimisation friendly. All of the major search engines just love videos, and there are an excellent search engine optimisation tool for any Internet marketer to use.

With all of the advancements made with technology, it is also very simple to access videos on the Internet anywhere, any time. Due to the fact that you can check the Internet on your cell phone people are now able to watch videos at any time when they find themselves with a few minutes throughout the day.

You can also reuse content that you may have already have written for your blog or website by creating videos as well. Creating new content all of the time can be difficult for many Internet marketers, and as such you can simply rehash old content you have used by reading it out instead of using it as written consent.

It is also much more simple for you to establish yourself within your niche market as a particular expert in a particular field by using videos rather than simply by providing written content. This is extremely important for any successful Internet marketer and therefore you can establish yourself far more efficiently through using videos.

Jose Hinchee has specialized in websites on internet marketing, fitness and weight loss, his latest website evaluates Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgery options.

Video Marketing – Top Tips Towards Creating Striking Videos

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

When you get involved in video marketing you are likely to come up against thousands of similar videos within your niche market. As such, it is crucial that you take steps to make sure that your videos are striking and will engage the viewer. With this in mind, consider these following tips.

It is absolutely crucial that you understand your market as much as you possibly can. You need to be able to sympathise and empathise with their needs so that you can speak directly to them.

Always keep your energy levels high when you are in front of the camera. When someone is an energetic speaker they can be reading anything and it will seem far more interesting. If you simply sit there or stand there and talk in a very droll voice with no energy, this will put anyone off.

Try to incorporate effects into your video, particularly during the introduction. If you can use some interesting imagery, colour, or scenery, this will help to engage the viewer immediately. Once they are engaged they are much more likely to stick with you.

Talk to the camera as if you are talking to a friend. Try to be colloquial, laid-back, and natural, but all in all always make sure that you are yourself. Speak to the camera as if you are chatting casually to a friend about something, but try to include an element of professionalism as well.

One final tip to consider is preparation. Preparation is absolutely crucial towards proper performance, and therefore you need to make sure you know exactly what you are going to say and how you are going to say before you turn the camera on.

Abram Strapley has specialized in websites on internet marketing, fitness and weight loss, his latest website evaluates Miami Plastic Surgery options.

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