Posts Tagged ‘website building’

Back Links Through URL Organizer

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

URL Organizer, ( is a bookmarking site that allows you to add url bookmarks. It is searchable and accessible to other users. It has lots of raw material for a budding SEO freak or traffic generator. It is not software that you download. It is a ready to go site where you just upload URLS.

The way I found it was through Yahoo Link Explorer. You can go there and see how many pages and back links Yahoo has you down for. When I did that I discovered a link to one of my sites that I’d never seen before. That led me to URL Organizer.

It’s easy to register. Pick a username, pick a password, give them an email, enter a Captcha code and you’re all set. After that, enter a URL that you want to bookmark.

The website of mine that was on URL Organizer was tagged as a “locator”site. It was tagged by someone who thought something about my site was worthwhile. They’ve done the same thing with hundreds of other sites.

Why should anyone care? Two reasons. First, the site that is back linked to through URL Organizer is a low traffic, low use site. But, it’s got a Google Page Rank of 1, with virtually no work. I have to assume that it’s getting good link juice organically through sites like URL Organizer.

Second, you can use the site to back link to your own sites. You can use it to backlink to other people’s sites as well. The main thing is that it’s a free, easy to use resource. Don’t abuse it, obviously, but make use of it. It’s a Google Page Rank 5 page, and that can’t hurt.

Here are step by step instructions: Go to the site; Login; Press “Add a Bookmark”; Put your URL in; Put in a title; Put in a description of the site; Add some tags; Set the privacy tab to “Public”; Fill out the Captcha box; Press “Submit”

Here’s another trick – search “all bookmarks” for your subject. URL Organizer will give you ideas for tags that you can stick in your bookmark. It will also give you ideas about competing or complimentary websites.

So, check it out. It’s free, it’s low hassle and I think that it works. Bookmark your own sites, and while you’re there why don’t you throw me a book mark as well!

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Practices That Have Been Proven Effective At Building Cash Online

Monday, September 13th, 2010

As for averages it is not a walk in the part to build cash online. The trick is to work hard. This may not be considered a trick by most people. It is the best one in your arsenal to use when you need it.

Before you do anything you need to set aside some time to come up with a detailed timeline of how things are going to work. You will be miles ahead of the competition doing something like this.

The map will be able to explain precisely how someone would go about doing something like this. Lingo like this can not be toned out. This type of stuff can save your life in this type of world that we are living in.

In my opinion the most significant factor in your online internet company life is relationship building. You have to be able to build strong relationships with the people that you come in contact with. Often times you have to sell on both you and the content that you provide them with online.

Taking your earnings to a higher plateau involves being committed to the plans already previously laid out. From there you can just go with the flow kicking things into the next gear. For some that may not be too far from the one they are on right at the moment.

For all intensive purposes you are not the head of the company. I know that sucks but everyone who has ever got anywhere in life has been right where you are. You have to over come these challenges to rise to the top of the chain.

The third biggest thing to take into consideration is the volatility of the niche you are selecting. Some niches can be what are referred to as fad niches that are only popular for short time periods.

The greatest kind of topics are all year round topics. They are popular from the start of every single year to the end of every single year. They do not fluctuate with the seasons of the year and remain a mainstream for the entire length of the calender.

In a cyclic niche you will find that you profit about 4 times as much due to the year round business that you recieve. Perhaps the best one of these examples to get into is website building.

Blogging is low and behold the most efficient way of getting it done as they say in the online arena. Most of all you can loan adverts space on your blog for good sums of monthly and yearly cash revenue.

You will never find another stress free plan like this that works even while you are napping. It also works while you are at your day job. Nothing is better than this type of income.

Everyone has the potential to earn cash online for free in todays world. I recommend selling products provided by the certified ebay dropshippers.

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