Posts Tagged ‘data’

Twitter Analytics Modern Day Marketing

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Social media marketing is a must for any brand or company wanting to achieve mass penetration of the general public in both home countries and worldwide, a good social media plan should have both long term and short term goals. Twitter crm will help businesses understand their long term, medium and short terms and can also help with other business issues. Since the internet started in 1993 it has made sense to use it as a cost effective advertising medium, but as the internet has the long tail effect, meaning the possibilities of advertising are endless the marketer no needs to be very selective in whom to advertise to.

Social media marketing is a must for any brand or company wanting to achieve mass penetration of the general public in both home countries and worldwide, a good social media plan should have both long term and short term goals. Twitter crm will help businesses understand their long term, medium and short terms and can also help with other business issues.

Twitter one of the latest social media platforms to grip the world collects over one million individual tweets on a daily basis, to use twitter analytics to help understand just what potential this data has can provide to any marketing agency, company or indeed famous individual then you must first understand and make sense of the tweet curve.

Social media marketing is a must for any brand or company wanting to achieve mass penetration of the general public in both home countries and worldwide, a good social media plan should have both long term and short term goals. Twitter crm will help businesses understand their long term, medium and short terms and can also help with other business issues.

By using the vast amounts of data collected every day will not only save huge amounts of time but also help lower costs which will help with ROI (return on investment) for a company. In short making good use of marketing data is a must for any company, it can however be expensive and many times outdated, using the tweet curve and twitter analytics can save businesses thousands upon thousands.

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