Posts Tagged ‘marketing on twitter’

Marketing on Twitter Etiquette

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

When you’re marketing on Twitter there’s some proper rules and guidelines that you need to follow.

Twitter is quickly becoming a phenomenon that’s changing the world as we know it. In an instant you can tell people all over the world what you are up to. If you are watching tv, hanging with friends, traveling the world, have a business to market, or just want to be your goofy self, Twitter is the place to make yourself known to millions of people.

It’s important to put yourself in your followers shoes when you are tweeting. If you come across as being too pitchy or a spammer, you will not have success marketing on Twitter. The community will shut you out very quickly.

People are being inundated with product pitches and business opportunities everyday on in the internet so it’s important to be careful when promoting any type of business on Twitter. It’s okay to talk about your business or product but use discretion.

When you marketing on Twitter make sure that you offset your business tweets with personal tweets. Don’t become know as the “mlm pitcher.”

People are interested in knowing the real you. They don’t care about your business. That’s why you want to be yourself, have fun, and be interesting.

Remember that 140 characters is not much space to share information, so make sure that you don’t bore your audience to sleep.

It’s okay to post this content but make sure you post more interesting Tweets as well.

If you’re marketing on Twitter then here’s a couple of guidelines to follow. Only send out 1 business tweet for every 3 tweets that you post and only send out between 5-6 tweets a day.

Following these guidelines will keep a healthy balance between your business tweets and personal tweets and your followers will be more likely to stay tuned with what you have to say.

If you want to gain a lot of followers then it’s important to post your Twitter link everywhere that you can. Post it on sites like Facebook, Youtube, your blog, and even email signatures.

If you don’t want to get your account banned then I highly recommend avoiding automatic Twitter services that offer bulk followers and mass tweeting. There are some legitimate sites out there but avoid using them if possible.

Just Unfollow and Tweetlater are a couple of sites that I recommend using. They have proven to be legitimate sites but just use them sparingly.

Once your account gets banned with Twitter, it’s a nightmare trying to get it back and you’ll lose all of your followers.

You can generate a lot of prospects within your niche marketing on Twitter if you follow the proper rules of engagement.

Remember to be always be yourself, be consistent, be interesting, follow the proper rules of engagement, and Twitter will be a tremendous marketing resource. Are you the next Twitter marketing rockstar? If so, prove it. Go out there and start tweeting! Watch out Ashton Kutcher!

Twitter is a great site that could help you become a dominant leader in your particular niche if done properly. If you’re looking for a training system that will teach you how to become a pro at Marketing on Twitter and every other form of internet marketing visit MLSP.

Is Twitter Marketing Effective?

Monday, October 18th, 2010

It seems like lately every where you look in the media there seems to be some new buzz about Twitter. While it looks like just another social media site like facebook or myspace, the monetary implications with Twitter are enormous. That’s why you see so many companies pushing for you to “follow” them on twitter. Following them will allow you to see every time they make a “Tweet”.

So how is this going to relate into why businesses should use it as a platform in which to market their products? The fact that Twitter holds a large user base of 75 million means that it would be great if anyone would be able to tap into the vast market present on Twitter itself, and we could see that by attracting the people on Twitter to take a look at your tweets, and for them to follow you, gives you a great chance of sending them your advertisement right up to their doorstep.

Having this huge amount of people on their site is what attracts so many marketers. Just being able to tap into even a small portion of the 70+ million users can and is very profitable for many small, medium, and large sized businesses all over the world. The question stands, is it worth it to invest your time with?

Absolutely! Let’s say for example you have an Italian restaurant in Chicago. Friday afternoon I see your tweet that says, “gj whitesox”. Your tweet had absolutely nothing to do with selling your business, but the fact that I needed some where to take my date tonight was just solved by your ability to keep in contact with me on a personal level. It’s just like word of mouth marketing. Maintaining a personal relationship with your customers will pay off for you leaps and bounds if you do it right. If you’re an affiliate marketer, you could also make these simple tweets to stay in people’s mind about your up and coming product launches, or even just to keep putting your affiliate link on your profile in their line of site. Plus once you have a large enough following, you can simply add in promotions, or point your followers to a link, and watch a huge flow of traffic or sales come rushing in.

Twitter Marketing is a powerhouse in the marketing game. If you aren’t using it, there’s a good chance that your competition is, which isn’t good for you.

Visit my complete Tweet AttacksReview for more information.

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