Posts Tagged ‘social’

How To Create An Excellent Brochure Design

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

There are all sorts of different tools that you might want to incorporate into your marketing plan when you are promoting your business and your products and services. One such tool available would be the idea of creating brochures, but this will simply be a waste of money unless you create something that is interesting that stands out. As such, consider a few of these basic tips on brochure design.

Of course, you need to start off by planning the brochure properly. You need to know exactly who you are trying to target when you plan your brochure and you need to figure out whether or not it will be used alongside other marketing materials such as adverts or catalogues as well.

Try to fiddle around with the different shapes on offer when you design your brochure. It is necessary for you to simply go down the traditional route of using a standard A4 shape or something similar. Instead, look for other options available to you as a brochure design that incorporates a more interesting shape might be more eye-catching.

Of course, it will start off with the cover and therefore this needs to be catchy. It is important that you convey your message on the front of the cover in a professional fashion so that people are more likely to pick it up and look inside.

Of course, once they do open up a brochure it is important that you supply them with quality content and information that is easy to digest. Make sure that the content of your brochure design is not overpowering and confusing and incorporate signposts to help people navigate around it.

Visualize as much as you can within the brochure design as well. Add any images and pictures to any of the content that you use if it is applicable.

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Online Social Marketing For Your Website

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Online social marketing is a trend that is not about to go anywhere. More and more individuals join social networking websites each day. In fact, Facebook is now the second most famous website in the world. If you don’t learn to take advantage of this by utilizing online social marketing to promote your company, your competition may very well pass you by.

So what do you need to do to promote your website using online social marketing? The easiest thing to do is post status updates about what’s going on with your business. It’s best not to make these sound too promotional. Social networks are not the place to be obnoxious about trying to get consumers to purchase your products. Although, it is completely appropriate to post updates related to what you are actually doing at the moment that relate to your website, such as “Getting ready for this weekend’s big sale.”

You may get away with concentrating more on your website in your status updates if you set up a fan page for the site instead of just using your personal account to post updates about your company. You may have to work harder to get individuals to follow your fan page but once you have followers, you know they are at least somewhat interested in your website so they will likely be interested in what you have to say about it as long as you are not just posting ads disguised as status updates.

Speaking of ads, there’s another way you can use online social marketing to promote your website. Social media sites such as Facebook often sell ads on their sites. You can purchase an ad for your website and use it to drive traffic to your site. You can also use ads to get more followers on your companies fan page.

Regardless of which method of online social marketing you use, the hard part is getting the traffic you attract through social media to buy anything. If you can get them to sign up for your fan page, you will have a better chance of eventually getting them to buy something because they will be exposed to your updates regularly. As your fans come to trust you more, they will be more likely to shop at your website.

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What Is The Point Of Twitter Analytics?

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

As social media becomes an increasingly useful tool for everyone, it is becoming more important to understand how it works. Students, new businesses and big businesses are all likely to want to use social media platforms to increase their visibility on the internet, thus increasing sales, importance, feedback, customers and so on. You can easily download and install a variety of analysis programs to help you get the best from your social networking experiences. So what are the key things to look out for when using twitter analytics?

The amount of times your account gets viewed

This is one of the top things people want to know when they initially discover analytics tools. When you know how many people are viewing your blog, and how often they view each individual post, you can work out which of your posts are more popular. If you then write more posts in a similar vein to the really popular ones, you are most likely to increase traffic, and therefore increase sales, or customers.

The amount of time spent on each post

This is more important than you initially might think. If someone spends a lot of time on one post that you made, it must be because it has sparked their interest or curiosity. Maybe it angers them, or annoys them, or makes them laugh. Either way, it makes your blog more memorable.

Links to and from each post

This can tell you whether anyone is linking to your twitter account, and where from. This could be to related blogs, forums or other social network sites. Again, the more links you have, the more popular your account will be. Using twitter analytics you can really discover who is reading your account, and what they enjoy. When you utilise this information correctly, you will gain more attention through your online presence which is essential if you want to drive traffic and become more popular.

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