Posts Tagged ‘Video Marketing’

Video Marketing Can Be Fun To Work With

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

Video marketing is an exciting and intimidating field. Your business can receive thousands of views and get wonderful exposure through videos. It can also be a complete flop, wasting the money and time that you put into making the videos. In order to succeed in video marketing, you will need some solid pointers to start you off, and a lot of diligence! The advice below is designed to spark your creativity in marketing your business through videos.

If you are too shy to show your face on the screen, you should try using something like Google Search Stories to help you. This is a good way to show your users all of the pertinent information you need to without worrying about having to show everyone your face.

If you have a brick and mortar store, don\’t think online videos can\’t work to promote your business. They can, and do. Start with a video tour of your shop, introducing yourself and showcasing your best products and services. Done correctly, video marketing can help personalize your business and reach new customers. So, turn on that camera and show the world why they should trade at your shop.

If you are not really an expert on a topic, do not try to pretend. The best way to get around that is by interviewing people on video that are experts in your niche. A trade show or seminar is a great place to meet people that won\’t mind doing a video.

Start off in the middle of the action. Don\’t start by saying, \”Hello, I\’m so-and-so\” or you\’ll lose the viewer instantly. If you plan to run with the bulls, start the video while you\’re running! If you make the viewer do a second take, they won\’t move on to the next video.

Whenever anyone asks a question in the comments on your videos, consider if you can answer them in another video. If you think about it, you can come up with a humorous answer which provides them with the information they seek along with a fun video if others would like to watch, all the better!

When you post your video on YouTube, don\’t forget to use annotations. These allow you to point to other similar videos you have or to ask people to subscribe to your video. You can even use this with a \”Pop-Up Video\” effect to keep viewers engaged and entertained as they watch.

One of the best pieces of advice about video marketing is to keep it real. Make a script, rehearse it, and then shoot your video. That\’s all there is to it. You will end up looking over produced and fake if you do more than that. Real is honest and reliable.

Be natural! The more fake or contrived you appear; the less likely viewers are to watch your whole video. If you can\’t read a script without sounding like a dork, then don\’t. Stick to who you are and represent yourself and your company and the video will turn out great.

Try cutting your longer videos into smaller segments. Many video marketers don\’t consider the audience\’s attention span, so they make videos that are too long. Most people will not watch a 10-minute video about a single product. Try breaking a long video like that into multiple pieces that can be released once each day.

It can be difficult to know what the topic of your video should be. One of the best ways to determine what will be successful is by looking at what others have done. How-to videos, commentary on current events, and interviews with those \”in the know\” are all topics that have proven interesting to web users.

With any luck, you now have a better understanding of what it takes to create a successful business marketing strategy. Make sure to use the tips mentioned in this article when you develop your plan. If you plan carefully, and use the advice given, you are sure to see your business reach a whole new level!

What ever your company, advertising it can be lots additional powerful in case you discover to work with video marketing tips. Attempt out several of the recommendations you\’ve read here and consider additional on your own.

3 Video Ad Tips By An Internet Marketing Firm

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

If you want to know how to present messages, as they relate to companies, video ads shouldn\’t be overlooked. In fact, when they are made with quality intact, the way that they can raise awareness cannot be disputed. Of course, only a select few companies can go about this process well, any reputable Internet marketing firm included. Video ad creation stands the chance of being carried through well, and these 3 pointers should prove to be useful.

According to companies the likes of fishbat, video ads should be specific with the overall messages they\’d like to distribute. It doesn\’t matter what the subject matter of your ads are or who, exactly, you\’re attempting to appeal to. Any Internet marketing firm understands the importance of presenting the clearest message imaginable. Once this is done, you can be certain that your video ads stand a greater chance of standing out, becoming greater in the process.

Another way to create strong video ads is through the usage of various times. On YouTube, for example, most ads do not go longer than 30 seconds, which means that the material used here will differ from a similar ad that\’s about a minute and a half long. The importance of said times is what those creating video ads should take into account as well. Each of these possesses effectiveness and, as a result, not a single one of them should be discredited.

Finally, try to see if there are personal touches that may be incorporated into video ads. Let\’s say that a new business would like to get its message across; it\’s possible that this can be done through the usage of actual employees. What this does is that it puts a series of faces in front of the company itself, allowing said company to come across as more personable. This can only be done with these very touches, so think about incorporating them.

It\’s clear that marketing, in this day and age, can be done in a number of ways. Video ads serve as one of the strongest, not to mention briefest, methods that can be carried out. However, it\’s important to consider that not all ads are made the same way, which means that it\’s important to focus on how they can be best made. Hopefully these tips will help you during the process and, before long, the strongest video ads will be brought to life.

For further details regarding advertising via video, contact fishbat today.

Local Business Growth: Three Keys To Successful Internet Marketing

Friday, January 9th, 2015

Whether you are a mechanic, or a dentist, you want your business to constantly be flooded with new customers. Sometimes this is easier said than done. You know you are highly trained, and provide great, honest customer service, but how do you make this known to the people in your city? How do you show them that you are the obvious, most reliable choice for your niche? This is a challenge, but I believe if you are smart about how you leverage the internet, you can beat out your competition for those new clients, and have a steady flow of new customers. I am going to share with you 3 effective ways to get your business seen and trusted in your community.

Vimeo video: I do believe this solitary most important strategy to attain confidence over your competitors has an experienced video that will rankings for the regional search phrases with Google. With a video, it is possible to screen which you happen to be. Your potential consumer can see the face, and hear ones speech, which usually promptly generates connection and confidence in a manner that some sort of static internet site cannot. You can even screen your working environment, and staff members, thus potential customers know what ones setting is compared to just before they provide you with their particular enterprise. It will take this speculating out of your customer experience which usually also generates confidence.

With video, you can also incorporate an effective backend strategy with a well thought out call-to-action. The goal in business, is to get more customers, sell more products, and generate more income. This is something that cannot be done as easily without the interaction that video provides. Offering something of value for free to the customer in exchange for their contact information is a great strategy to generate more leads for your niche, and video allows you to do just that.

The next priority in local business marketing is having a personalized website that is ranked for local keywords in internet search. This website can be simple with a home page, about us, and contact information. Of course, a really nice website is better, but if you only have the funds to create something simple with your contact information, this will be sufficient.

One more top priority that\’s typically forgotten, will be developing as many free business user profile webpages as possible. Therefore getting your home elevators Yelp, YP, Town Lookup, Google+, along with another user profile web page that\’s specific niche market distinct for a business. These types of user profile webpages need to be 100% complete, together with steady call data. These types of webpages may point back internet, providing your site a greater lookup position.

These are the three areas I believe are the most important online solutions for every business to get found, and keep new customers coming through your doors. I love setting up these solutions for business owners, to help them become more successful in the things they do best! Do these things well, and I can guarantee you business will see a consistent growth of new customers.

Learn more about network marketing. Stop by Dustin\’s channel where you can find out all about business videos and what they can do for your business growth.

Long Island Advertising Agencies & 3 Different Types Of Video

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

To say that video is engaging would be nothing short of an understatement. This type of content can be digested rather easily, which speaks volumes about the level of appeal that it has. Of course, those who have been involved in marketing will be able to tell you that video can be broken up into different subcategories. With these 3 different types of video in mind, hopefully you\’ll start to see the extensive services associated with Long Island advertising agencies.

One of the types of video, supported by Long Island advertising agencies, is digital press releases. For those who do not know, these videos are designed for the purpose of reporting on the news, as they relate to various industries. These videos, in most cases, depict a singular entity talking about current events with the utmost sense of neutrality intact. This is a strong type of video and one that is offered by various companies, fishbat included.

If these agencies have the means, animation can be another form of video to stay engaged in. Graphic designers have become more and more skilled in regards to the tools that they use, which is great for those who would like to employ their services. They can bring their graphic-related skills into the field of animation, which means that they can potentially create even more engaging content. Along with strong designs, animation is a potential field to get into for marketing purposes.

Marketing can also be done in the form of video podcasts, depending on how well-made they are for this purpose. Keep in mind that these podcasts can be used for the distribution of news, which honestly makes them no different from digital press releases. When you look deeper, though, you can see that podcasts are made to bring various viewpoints together as well. What this does is that it creates engaging content that those who enjoy a particular industry can get into.

To put it simply, video is home to various platforms, some of them more engaging than others. Of course, one can make the argument that it is entirely dependent on the type of content that video can offer, which is easily supported as well. Long Island advertising agencies can use content in various ways but there isn\’t a single company that should overlook video. Without it, especially in this age of technology, brands may not be able to expand as effectively.

For more details in regards to the utilities Long Island advertising agencies can grant, visit fishbat.

Assessment Of Promoted Video Through Internet Marketing Companies

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

If Internet marketing companies desire to reach as many people as possible, certain methods must be taken into account. The implementation of video is one of the most crucial, seeing as how the content there is typically easier to digest in the long term. With this in mind, it’s important to note that a program named “Promoted Video” has been put into effect by Twitter. For those who may not know what this entails, there are a number of specifics which businesses should focus on.

TechCrunch posted an article that spoke about Promoted Video, which was brought to the forefront courtesy of Twitter. It can be used, by various companies, in order to help their own video content become shared out. This was done through Twitter’s own network, which is a point that should draw the attention of many Internet marketing companies. Promising tools along the lines of these should have the focus of various companies, fishbat included, and others may agree.

“Isn’t this, more or less, the same as the Amplify program Twitter already released?” While it might seem similar, it’s important to note that Amplify was designed for major companies; a local diner may not have much use for it but ESPN might. Promoted Video is definitely broader by comparison, so it seems like just about any market or business can take advantage of it. With Promoted Video, there seems to be greater opportunities in store.

The idea of Cost Per View – CPV, for short – was brought up in the article as well. To put it into simplest terms, CPV entails that advertisers will only pay up when users click on the videos marketed on Twitter’s network. I believe that, if the system is accurate and everything goes according to plan, this is a pretty fair plan and one that should drive attention in the long term. Seeing as how Promoted Video hinges on success, this only helps to make the program that much more attractive for long term use.

The question must be asked: can Promoted Video hold its own over time? I believe this to be true, especially when you consider the notoriety associated with the Twitter and the desire to try out new tools for marketing purposes. It’s difficult to say whether or not this method will be effective since it is still rather recent. Nonetheless, Promoted Video has plenty of attention brought into it, which will help others see if the potential can, indeed, be realized.

To learn further about the perks of Internet marketing companies, contact fishbat for details.

Ways To Make Video Marketing Pay Real Dividends

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

When you are thinking about marketing, one of the newest ways for you to show off your stuff is with video. Video helps people to see you, and it gives them an opportunity to realize that there is a real person behind your site. Here are some things you can do to use video marketing to maximize profits.

Ask your customers to create their own videos. You could for instance organize a contest and ask customers to film themselves while they use your products. Reward the best videos with an interesting prize and use the submitted videos as promotional material for your social media marketing campaign and for your website.

To help people notice your videos you should develop a title that is eye catching and mind bending. Use a play on words or a rhyme to help people remember the name of your video. You should also use your primary keyword and if possible at least one or two associated keywords.

You should create a video to document your typical day at work to give your customers an idea of how products are created and shipped. Introduce your colleagues, show your workspace and follow the different steps you go through to complete an order. The goal of this short documentary is to convince viewers that you are a trustworthy professional.

All of your videos should be as timeless as possible. When talking about a product release or a new product, it could be difficult to make a video that people will want to watch 6 months from now. If you focus on the product, and not the release date, you will be creating a video that people will watch in the future.

Consider running a contest where your customers submit videos they’ve created for your company, and then run those videos periodically in place of your own. Customers love to see their name in lights, and these great pieces of art will help promote your company and may even become viral over time.

YouTube comment search is a great way to find videos on the topic you’re planning to use in your next video. This allows you to see what other people are talking about and then you can either answer their questions or come up with new information which isn’t currently being provided.

Don’t ignore captions and subtitles in your videos. Text is as important in a video as the actual moving pictures as it can anchor what’s being said in the minds of the viewers. Highlight key words and phrases which make an impact and underline the message the video is trying to get across.

Remember that effective videos are a balanced audio and visual experience. Have a good, solid script to use for what is said. However, make sure that you also employ appropriate imagery within the visual frame as well. The two should work together to reach the viewer’s right and left sides of their brain.

One of the tried and true techniques to video marketing is to use cliffhangers. They have been used in television from the very beginning and are always effective. This will keep your viewers engaged and have them anticipating your next video to answer the questions raised in the first video.

If you don’t have a website, or can’t handle streaming your video, consider They’ll syndicate your video out through iTunes so that anyone can view your video on any Apple device. You can also link to them through your site so other devices can see the video around the world.

Video marketing is something that is new, and something that is popular. Video marketing is a technique that connects you to your customers, and entices new customers as well. The possibilities are endless with video marketing, so use the tips in this article to help you figure out how you can best use video in your marketing.

As stated before, the profits a organization can produce could be increase by quite a few procedures. 1 added approach to do this is via internet video marketing. Video marketing and advertising requires each of the positive aspects in the other individuals, and adds its personal for additional rewards. Use this article’s ideas and make the most effective of video advertising.

Solid Tips For Building A Better Video Marketing Plan

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

Marketing in business isn’t exactly rocket science, but it isn’t always easy either. The following article will offer you interesting advice on how to market using video. It’s highly effective and relatively easy to learn and the benefits to your business could be enormous. Check it out and excited about marketing again!

Interviews make great videos. Have a friend or a colleague interview you if you want to give some details about your business and products or interview some customers if you want to share some original reviews of your products. If possible, find an expert in your field who is willing to be interviewed on your products.

When you are using video marketing it is important to keep your content interesting. If your video is dull then people will probably not watch the entire thing or recommend it to their friends. Make your message clear and engaging to your audience. Imagine you are watching your own video as a consumer.

Your campaign will be more successful if you make more videos. It is wise to upload new video content often in order to keep things fresh for your visitors. As you cover more topics, you’ll attract a wider audience.

YouTube comment search is a great way to find videos on the topic you’re planning to use in your next video. This allows you to see what other people are talking about and then you can either answer their questions or come up with new information which isn’t currently being provided.

Your video marketing campaign will be successful if you remain consistent and creates new videos regularly. You do not have to put hours into creating a weekly video; recording yourself talking in front of a camera for ten minutes would make a good video update. Customers will subscribe to your videos if you keep using this medium.

You should create a video to document your typical day at work to give your customers an idea of how products are created and shipped. Introduce your colleagues, show your workspace and follow the different steps you go through to complete an order. The goal of this short documentary is to convince viewers that you are a trustworthy professional.

Do not ignore the analytics for your video content. Use this to track views and your audience traffic patterns. You can use this information to your advantage to promote your business to new outlets.

Production is only part of the video marketing process. It is also necessary to promote the videos. If you market your video, you’ll find you get many more viewers than otherwise. Great content only works if you get visitors to see it.

Marketing takes talent and instinct; both of which will work very well in your video campaign. Take the tips and tricks you’ve learned from this article and get to work on the next best thing to happen to your company! Video marketing is all the rage and for very good reason.

The use of video inside your promoting tactic is a wise thought and it is popular. You are able to preserve your marketing relevant and fresh by creating use of reside video to reach your buyers. Take the strategies within this article and use them to create sure that you can smartly use video marketing strategies for your enterprise.

Wanting Better Video Marketing Results? Try These Basic Tips!

Monday, August 18th, 2014

With a business, you need to know about the newest ways of marketing your business. Video marketing is one of the best new ways to market your business and products. You may not know a lot about video, but here are some tips that can assist you in marketing this way.

Do not assume that the salespeople at you company are the ones that will look best in front of the camera. Find the person in the office that has the best smile and have them be the face of the company. Nobody has to know that your company spokesperson is janitor or secretary.

Try using others in your videos. This will give people the idea that you are not full of hot air. While it may be a little difficult to convince someone that the people in your video are truly fans of you and your products, it comes across better than always doing videos alone.

After you have published your video, include your web address in the video description. You will also want to include several keywords that describe your video in the description. This will help users find your information and search engines effectively rank your video. Your web address can also be included in your video.

People love to share videos, so use them in place of any other correspondence you currently engage in. If you plan to announce something big, do it on video! Want to answer a customer query? If you can, make it public through a video. The more videos you make, the better.

To supercharge your video marketing efforts consider running a video marketing campaign. With a video marketing campaign, you will offer daily videos that will be shared on your website as well as on video sites such as YouTube. Do not forget to share your videos with your customers using email and social media.

People love competition, which is why holding a video contest is such a great marketing strategy. Ask viewers to create their own videos and then have everyone vote on them. This will help drive viewers to your site and energize them by giving them a chance to win something.

All of your videos should be as timeless as possible. When talking about a product release or a new product, it could be difficult to make a video that people will want to watch 6 months from now. If you focus on the product, and not the release date, you will be creating a video that people will watch in the future.

Depending on what you are selling, you might not even need to film a video. If you are hoping to get people to buy a computer software product or use an online website or service, screen capturing might be a better way to go. Just create a video of what you offer and what it does while you narrate why they want it.

Purchase a tripod to add a level of professionalism to your videos. Jumpy, shaky camera work is best left to horror movies and avant garde films. If you are using videos for marketing, you should have a steady shot. A lot of people will only watch a couple moments of a video to see if it is interesting.

When you post your video on YouTube, don’t forget to use annotations. These allow you to point to other similar videos you have or to ask people to subscribe to your video. You can even use this with a “Pop-Up Video” effect to keep viewers engaged and entertained as they watch.

Now that you know some more about video marketing, you should start thinking about how you can incorporate these ideas into your marketing strategy. You may want to just create one or two videos, or you may want to leap in headfirst. No matter what you decide, the tips you have just read will help.

Video advertising and marketing has been accountable for some incredible achievement stories in recent years. The reality from the matter is, having said that, that without having a strong knowledge base, launching a strong program can be a challenge. Review the recommendations above as necessary to ensure that you just get the absolute most out of the Video marketing services initiatives

Great Tips For Video Marketing For Your Business

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

From online conglomerates to mom and pop stores, there are no limits to what video marketing can do for a business. Being able to look directly at your customers and clients and present yourself as an honest and valuable business is priceless! The following article will introduce you to the many benefits of video marketing.

Do not assume that video marketing has to be about making viral videos. Viral videos are a great marketing tool among certain audiences but keep in mind that your niche might not be likely to watch and share viral videos. Besides, not all viral videos convey a positive image of the brand they promote.

You want to make sure that you put out videos regularly. Once people have seen your video and are familiar with it they will more than likely stop watching it. Posting new material will keep your viewers coming back to see what kinds of new things you are promoting.

Use video marketing to allow your customers to get to know you. You could, for instance, record a weekly video in which you talk about your projects and upcoming deals. Make your video marketing campaign interactive by reserving a segment of your weekly video to answer questions customers send you.

If you offer services to your customers, the best way to give them an idea of what you do is to create a video that documents the different steps you take to perform this service. You should have a friend follow you with a camera the next time you perform this service for a customer.

While videos need to stand alone based on their content, they must still be promoted. After you upload your videos, try promoting them via social networks, newsletters, blogs, and the like. It takes time for videos to rank organically in search engines, so they need a push to let people know they exist.

When you go to any public event, such as trade shows or conventions, take a camera with you. This will give you the opportunity to interview experts and/or document your experiences. Furthermore, if you plan on giving a public speech, you are going to want someone to record you.

Watch the statistics available for your video, whether it be your server stats or on YouTube. This will help you compare each video you make so you can easily tell which are successful and which should have been left on the cutting room floor. This is the only way to continue building your campaigns skyward.

Always place a small form within the video’s page for linking to the mailing-list registration form. When people see the video, they may want to learn more, giving you the best opportunity to promote your product.

When producing a video testimonial for your products, let your satisfied customers do the talking. Instead of creating a 100 percent scripted dramatization, allow the customer to speak openly and naturally about their experience. Many consumers prefer to rely on personal testimonies over the canned words of a salesperson or marketer.

If you plan to begin a video marketing campaign, put some time into designing a YouTube channel for your business. This will make your videos easy to find, and if a viewer enjoys the first video, they will have multiple others right at their fingertips. This organized, clustered way of presenting your videos will help to draw more viewers, and thus more customers.

As was discussed in the first paragraph of this article, effective video marketing is one of the best things that you can do to increase sales and improve your business. By applying all of the knowledge you have learned from this article you will be able to make more money that you ever imagined. Good luck!

Now that you just have read these suggestions, you are able to commence producing marketing video content material for the organization. Properly utilized, you’ll be able to improve your sales and develop a connection with your clients. It can be a single from the most successful ways to reach a large, modern day audience. Your video content material will give your company greater depth.

Video Marketing 101

Thursday, June 19th, 2014

Want to know how to create do-it-yourself marketing videos for your business? I grew up making online marketing videos with my parent’s camcorder.

Today, it’s a bit easier. And the technology we have today has allowed me to raise-the-bar on the quality of my videos (using tool like my iPhone!) and help me generate over 1.7 Million views just on my YouTube Channel.

So whether you are an online entrepreneur, local business owner, author or coach, you can start making quick and easy videos with these simple steps.

Step #1: Your Intention.

Identify this first, and it will become much easier to make your video a reality.

Step #2: Script it. Take a moment to plan and script your video. Be concise and keep your video short.

If you don’t, you’ll end up rambling on and on and on. It may seem like more time, but it will save you time in the long run…trust me. The filming and editing can be brutal if you haven’t planned properly.

Make sure to grab a tripod, and properly lighting so your video looks more professional.

After you finish a day of filming, it’s time to edit…and yes this can be the time-sucking bottleneck of your entire process…so if you can: outsource the editing!

Step #4: Edit it.

But if you must edit, the editing software I recommend is Screenflow (Mac only). If you’re on a PC, I recommend Sony Vegas or Camtasia.

Now, export that video of yours and let’s broadcast it to the world: AKA: YOUTUBE!

This most likely means you’ll be posting your video to

Take the time to give your youtube video a proper title, description and tags so you optimize it for a highly searched keyword or keyword phrase.

And if you follow those steps, you will have successfully make a marketing video for your business! Woohoo! Now it’s time to rinse and repeat!

Don’t let technology or a fear of being in front of the camera hold you back. Take action now to start making multiple marketing videos in your business so you can get more traffic and build a powerful brand that gets you more sales!

Want to find out more about make a video, then visit Rose Marie D’Amico’s site on how to choose the best video marketing for your needs.

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