Posts Tagged ‘Multimedia’

The Advantages Of Google Video Sitemaps For Video Marketing

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Most people from all walks of life these days spend at least a portion of their day on the Internet. They are typically looking for information or looking to buy something that they need or want. Marketing becomes very important if you have something to offer in the way of goods or services. Drawing attention to your product can be impossible at best if you don’t manage to land on the first page of the search results. Using Google video sitemaps for video SEO allows you to place a video in your search results with a thumbnail picture in the description.[youtube:kks0wPkX12I?fs=1;[link:How To Create A Google Video Sitemap – Tutorial];]

Every effort must be made to draw as much attention to your offering so that the consumer gets the chance to see what you have to offer. With the current habits of the average consumer as they are, you must land on the first page of the search results for them to even give you a fleeting glance. If you were to present a thumbnail photo of your product or service your chances of being seen are very good. The user can quickly see what they want and click through.

Grab the eye of today’s consumers by creating a video to go with your product or service and place it within the description so the thumbnail will appear in the search results. The new Google possibilities will work to the advantage of sellers and publishers.

The thumbnail will be placed on the left side of the listing and the text to the right with the description in text. This is a great way to capture the attention of those scanning search results pages because the eye naturally roves toward the images versus the plain text of other listings.

Research done on eye scanning patterns shows that the typical human eye will automatically go to the upper left corner of a page first. Then the scan goes down from top to bottom and then left to right. This is the case in a typical results page with primarily text descriptions on the page.

A thumbnail of your video added to the search description will make the eye gravitate toward your listing. When the human eye locates an interesting object, the user then goes to the description located in text to the right.

The human eye is automatically and subconsciously drawn to pictures. The brain then kicks in and does a scan for the desired object of the search. If there is a thumbnail that is relevant to the search, the user can click on that page and view the attached video. The idea behind video sitemaps is to bring that next level of attention grabbing material to the Google search pages. Your products will stand out and capture the natural flow of sight and page scanning.

If searchability is one of the most significant ways to draw a consumer to the desired page, then the Google Video Sitemaps for Video SEO may hold the keys to the kingdom. The video index system that Google is building will integrate the videos and their thumbnails into ordinary everyday Google searches.

Video Sitemaps can help to improve your marketing revenues for an online business. With VSEO, also known as video SEO, you enhance your page rankings, your traffic, and your video views.

categories: SEO,optimization,search,video,multimedia,streaming,technology,google,promotion,marketing,business,internet,general,www

Aspects That Draw In People’s Attention In Youtube

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Youtube has changed the face of modern video entertainment. However, with its popularity comes a downside: There are literally millions of videos all competing for the same eyes and ears every day. How do you get your video noticed amongst this melee? There are ways to grab viewers attention.

There are some tactics to get your video noticed on the leading social video site.

1. Put some time and effort into perfecting an adequate title for your video. This is often the first thing a viewer will see before they click on your video – give them an excuse to find out more. Also remember that many viewers search based on certain keywords. A few well-placed words can help your video appear higher on search lists.

2. List your video in the right category. Remember that viewers looking for comedy videos will search under “humor,” not under “documentary.” Don’t try to trick viewers by placing your videos in unexpected places either.

Your traffic will benefit from a correct listing. Otherwise, placing your video in the wrong place will make it difficult for viewers to find it. It will certainly make it difficult for your video to make it arbitrarily before potential viewers.

3. Make sure to include several keywords with your video submission. Keywords are basic descriptors to help viewers locate relevant video clips. A good rule to follow is to include at least three keywords with your video submission, though you can use as many as you want.

Videos that make smart use of keywords will get the most benefit from Youtube’s search algorithms. Case in point, lots of viewers love funny cat videos. But Youtube doesn’t know the difference between a cat video and a dog video, except for the use of keywords. So, if somebody searches for “funny cats,” videos tagged with those words will filter to the top first.

4. Youtube is a video-SHARING site. That means you can make use of the social aspect of Youtube’s services. Watch other people’s videos. Comment liberally. And, as often as possible, link back to your own videos. However, be careful to appear genuine. Nobody likes a link-spammer.

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Marketing Advice From Videographers About Using Video

Monday, July 19th, 2010

If you’re one of the people not using video in your marketing today, then you should be. Video is a powerful medium and one of the fastest growing forms of marketing. There has been massive growth in traffic to sites like YouTube. Video can even now be downloaded to mobile devices. Using careful choice of headlines and keywords, videos can be targeted to a particular market segment allowing the people who are most likely to buy from you to see your videos. Why is video so powerful? It’s simple to build rapport with your prospect. People are used to the power of television and love to watch videos. Nothing replaces face to face contact, the sound of your voice, or your expression. It’s not easy to get out and meet with everyone that we’d like to personally, especially when much of our business comes from the internet and not just our local community. Adding video to your marketing plan gives your prospects the opportunity to not only hear the excitement and passion in your voice and to build a relationship with you. Here are some different ways to use video in your marketing:

Use video on a home, landing or sales page.

Video email – your job in the email is to get your prospect/client to click on a link which gets them to a micro site with your video.

Video syndication sites such as YouTube. Create your own channel.

Walk-on videos. When someone comes to your site they see you walking onto the screen talking.

Videocasting/Podcasting on blogging sites.


Training DVD’s.

Recorded seminars and presentations.

Several options are available when creating your videos. It can be as simple as doing it yourself, or hiring a videographer. If you are going to do the video yourself, make sure that you look presentable and elude the image you would like your prospects to have of you. Be sure that your background is not distracting. The smallest thing can distract someone from the message you are trying to get across. Keep the video short; no more than 5 minutes (unless of course you’re creating training videos or doing a presentation) and packed with benefits for the potential user. Give your prospects an easy way to email and share the video with others. This will help to increase your traffic. Giving your prospects a still picture and a few bullet points to read while the video is loading is also an effective way to keep them engaged. Usually you would hire a videographer to shoot items such as training sessions, presentations, seminars, etc. When you hire a videographer you should ask the following questions:

Will they shoot the video in high definition? Do they have experience in both online and offline video? Ask about things like sound quality, lighting etc. Do they have experience in direct response marketing?

Your videographer should understand what you’re trying to accomplish with the video and should be effective at helping you get your message across. If you don’t feel comfortable being the person in the video there is plenty of talent you can hire to do a professional job for you. One last thought to leave you with to think about. As always in marketing it is important to track to see what is working best for your business. Video marketing is no exception. Tracking your video statistics is an essential part of your marketing. Generally there is the ability to track through accounts such as Tube Mogul. You can track stats for comments, ratings and cumulative views. You can track for specific days and even set a schedule to have the stats emailed to you at certain periods. Always explore your opportunities for visibility. There are several avenues and a variety of websites in the business of distributing videos to search engines. For more information and a free report and tips visit

For additional information and a free report and tips visit

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